God, we’re stupid sometimes…
While changing a two-year-old girl’s diaper, a CPE educator in Quebec found that her genitals had been mutilated.
The little girl no longer had a clitoris. She was probably circumcised.
The educator called the DPJ to investigate.
And what did the organization answer, which, I remind you, is supposed to PROTECT YOUTH?
“Bof, no, we won’t intervene, it’s too delicate…”
Too delicate?
What’s tricky about that?
You are the DPJ! A two-year-old girl was probably circumcised! They cut off her clitoris!
What the hell are you waiting for?
We’re in Quebec, here! We have laws! Which apply to everyone, regardless of our origin, religion or race!
What does it take for you to intervene?
“Too hot”!!!
What, do we accept circumcising little girls in certain communities?
Because “they do it that way”? And that “we don’t have to interfere in the culture of others”?
It’s white colonialism to punish parents who cut off their daughter’s clitoris, isn’t it?
Racism? Xenophobia?
The penal code that governs the lives of citizens is a slice of Swiss cheese with holes? Does it provide for all sorts of exceptions in order to “respect” the customs prevailing in the countries of origin of the newcomers?
Some fathers have the right to hit their daughters for not wearing the veil?
Some mothers have the right to cut off their little girls clitoris to prevent them from enjoying?
With a zealous multiculturalism imposed on us by Trudeau Jr., we ended up doubting our values, our traditions, our laws!
We see racism everywhere!
Until the DPJ wonders if she has the right to act when a little girl is mutilated!!!
A few months ago, we read on Radio-Canada’s website that social workers found that DPJ workers were too quick to pull the trigger when intervening with Haitian families.
They lacked “cultural” sensitivity and tended to be too quick to remove Haitian children from their families.
“One of the peculiarities of Haitian culture is corporal punishment. Culturally, corporal punishment is normal for many people in this community,” explains one social worker.
So Haitian parents hit all their kids, right? And should the DPJ take this “cultural idiosyncrasy” into account?
So there would be a difference between a white man hitting his child and a black man hitting his child?
This view of things is not only stupid, it is downright racist…
We are ALL Quebec citizens. We ALL have the same rights. And the same homework.
And hitting a black, Arab, Asian or Muslim child is just as unacceptable as hitting a white Catholic child.