Participation in “Desculpa Algoisa”, a videocast by universe With Tati Bernardi, journalist and presenter Zeca Camargo recalled important interviews in his career as an entertainment reporter.
One of the moments he remembered was when he was hit by Krav Maga, an Israeli selfdefense technique created by actress Betty Faria.
Zeca Camargo: “I wasn’t prepared. I interviewed her at the carnival, I think it was coverage. She said, ‘I did Krav Magá’. I said, ‘You?’. It’s unlikely, but obviously everyone, regardless of age and gender.” “I can do it. She said, ‘Do you want to see it?’ And man, he attacked me,” he said, laughing.
He continued and shared another interview that had shaped him.
“It was the second hardest hit I’ve received in an interview. The first was an arm beard belonging to Mike Patton, lead singer of the band Faith no More. I interviewed him here in São Paulo, he’s still crazy in the head. A question about sex.” He pulled out a police ID card, turned to me and said I was under arrest. And then he gave me a headlock.
In the list of memories, he also cited an interview with singer Madonna. “I couldn’t talk about pregnancy, but she was pregnant and the film she was doing was about pregnancy,” she adds.
Zeca also spoke about his involvement in the Elza Soares biography. “I started working with her when she was 88, 89 years old. Her memory was flawed, some stories stuck in her head. I said I would correct it, but then, with great delicacy and sensitivity, I didn’t, I decided to leave her story. It is she, with the mistakes, that she tells. It’s okay if you make it clear that it’s based on what she said.”
Ground of roses for love
Zeca Camargo: “I am able to hail a taxi in Paris at ten to midnight to show someone the sparkling Eiffel Tower. I’m able to cover a floor with 17 dozen roses and wait for someone to arrive. I have done these things. I don’t know what else I’m gonna do.
The presenter said he doesn’t consider himself jealous. “It’s always a terrible thing.” He recalled when Renato Russo spoke to him about the subject in an interview when Zeca was younger. “Jealousy is always a terrible thing. There is no point in having someone and being insecure, it is the worst sign that something is going wrong. I can’t live with someone and feel this way. That boy who interviewed Renato.” Russo and when he heard that he was shocked.
Zeca Camargo also spoke about music, one of his passions, choosing songs for specific moments. “Music for a Big Disappointment is Soft Cell’s ‘Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.’ If you see me say hello and goodbye ’cause it’s gonna be awful. I’ve seen stories like this where I’ve preferred not to meet anyone. “I really enjoyed it because the risk of catastrophe is great,” he said.
The presenter also highlights a song to celebrate the beginning of a passion. “‘Shakespeare’s Sister’ by The Smiths. He says he’ll see who he likes and that no one should get in his way. I remember at the time I met someone very dear to me and sang it out loud in the middle of the street.”
New show spoiler
Zeca shared how he got into entertainment journalism and gave a spoiler about his future broadcast on tape. The recently announced attraction will be hosted by Zeca and Glenda Kozlowski.
Zeca Camargo: “We [ele e a Band] talk, there is no format, we have an idea. It has something to do with entertainment and variety, which is my forte. I love being an entertainment reporter. Many people are still ashamed to speak.
“When I first started at MTV, I said I host ONE music journalism program. Entertainment journalism as such did not exist. But it’s something that’s become very strong, it’s a category, there are people who want to do it.” “The first thing I wrote was a dance review, and then I went to MTV,” he recalls itself.
He also spoke about his time as a reporter and host of “Fantástico”.. Zeca was on the Sunday show from 1996 to 2013. “There, too, my focus was on entertainment, which is what I like to do.”
Zeca said he likes to be seen as a reference in the field of culture. “It gives me great pleasure to be that guy that people are looking for as a reference. what I hear, see. It gives me great pleasure, I looked for it as a child.”
“I have a very high level of interactivity, a very high level of resonance in the networks, that is gold, this commitment is very valuable. These people following me are the 1980s youthful Zeca,” he added.
Where hasn’t Zeca gone yet?
The moderator reveals how many countries he has already visited and which famous tourist spots in Brazil he has not yet visited.
Zeca Camargo: “I know 117 countries. There is still a lot to do, like 80, 79. I want to know them all, knowing that I will have difficulties because of some places.”
The moderator also highlighted places he hadn’t been before. “I didn’t go to some obvious places that someone who knows 117 countries should know, like Russia, Cuba. Even in Brazil. In 2021 I met the missing state of Piaui. But I never went to Fernando de Noronha. I’ve been to Foz do Iguaçu, but never to the falls.”
Zeca commented on Perrengues while traveling.
The moderator also revealed what he likes to shop for when he travels. “I’m crazy about souvenirs, I take a lot with me. I buy everything small. Clothes too,” he said. He says his home is “full of references” from his travels. “Everywhere I go, there’s one thing.”
Zeca says his family encouraged him to travel since he was a child. “I joke that my brothers and I were pushed out of the house. Everything in my house was travelling, my brothers also love to travel.”
“Right measure” and weight loss
In an interview, he commented on people’s curiosity about his weight.
Zeca Camargo: “It’s largely a function of the series that I made into ‘Fantástico’ and ‘Medida Certa.’ It was very strong, it turned out to be a very cool thing,” he says.
The painting was shown in 2011 and for three months Zeca and Renata Ceribelli started exercising and eating a balanced diet to improve their health. The project was coordinated by sports coach Marcio Atalla. In the end, Zeca lost 12.29 kg of fat and gained 4.9 kg of muscle mass.
“I’ve always taken care of my body, I’ve been body conscious since I was a child, I’ve danced. But nobody prepared me for the fact that metabolism changes over time, that the body does not always have the same functionality. That is the cruelty of old age.”
Thanks to Medida Certa I eat better today. I saved a lot of things, I train every day. But maybe I should work a lot harder to have a body that fits the aesthetic ideal that people say I should have. Since I know that I am healthy, flexible and flexible, I can do it. This is the body I have. I can still improve a bit, but that’s all. Zeca Camargo
The presenter answered whether he had any aesthetic treatment on his face. “No. It’s genetic. What surprised me and made me an overweight person is that I wasn’t aware of this metabolism.”
Zeca also spoke out about his time on TV Globo. “I regret nothing. I would go back to work there, there’s no way, but yes. I haven’t argued with anyone, I have ideas for collaboration, there’s no bad timing. It was a great time, I have several friends, production people who are with me to this day.”
9 and 1/2 love questions
Watch the full interview:
The program “Desculpa Algoisa” is broadcast on Canal UOL, Universa YouTube and audio platforms on Wednesdays at 8 p.m.