3 Card Tarot Reading for All Zodiac Signs for December 2023

Welcome to the Tarot Reading for December 2023 for all Astrology Zodiac Signs. The pressure is on and as we are about to end another year, we want to know what’s going on this month and how we can end this year on a high note.

December came quickly, didn’t it? And once again we say the famous sentence that we say every year at this time: Is it December yet?

Yes, it is, and during this reading we will select three cards for each zodiac sign and these cards will represent the past, present and future, tying it all together (with a nice, festive bow on top…hopefully).

We’ll take a look at key words that will help us understand how we got to the place and what we want to focus on in the coming days.

Don’t worry if we receive past, present or future tarot cards that promise foreshadowing. Every card has a good side and we will examine them to find out what is good.

Certain tarot cards are specifically designed to “scare” us, but that doesn’t mean they are scary. We are here to open ourselves to the lessons of the cards for one reason alone: ​​to make our lives better and to find ways to see the positive.

Tarot horoscope for December 2023 for all zodiac signs in astrology:


(March 21 – April 19)

Past: Four cups, reversed

You have spent a lot of time caring for others, and although this has always been very important to you, you have reached a point in your life where you can no longer worry about the well-being of others. Even though it will always be important to you, you know that you have to worry more about your fate because you feel like you have given more than your share to the other people in your life.

Currently: Knight of Swords, reversed

You may not know exactly how to achieve what you want to achieve, but whether you do it or not, you will get there. Her demeanor is one of stoic defiance; You know what is no longer working in your life and you are finally ready to accept that there are different ways to make your dreams a reality. You’re strong and a little selfish, but that’s the only way you can be right now.

Future: Four of Swords, reversed

The future holds an opportunity for you to find peace from worries. You feel like you have devoted most of your life to stress and anxiety. You will adopt a new spiritual style that will take you to a place where you can retreat when needed. Meditation and peace are in your future.

Keywords: Adaptability, visionary, self-confidence

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(April 20 – May 20)

Past: Ace of Cups, reversed

You have experienced great happiness this year and are grateful for everything you have received. December has brought you much happiness and joy, and you will spend a lot of time reminiscing throughout the month. You know that things have changed and can no longer go back to the way they once were, but you look back fondly on those days with a heart full of good memories.

Currently: Nine of Pentacles

Everything is different at the moment, but things are looking very good for you. You are no longer a slave to worry, as you might have been if you hadn’t discovered that everything always works out in the long run. You believe in your ability to care for yourself and earn money to live on. Nothing threatens you even if it tries.

Future: Eight cups

You move stoically into the future and feel good about who you are. There is a lot to leave behind, but you are now a person who has been forced into acceptance; Your situation has changed. You are no longer the person you were at the beginning of the year. In December you know that everything is actually going to be okay.

Keywords: Acceptance, optimism, experience.

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(May 21 – June 20)

Past: Two swords

A decision made in the recent past gives you the confidence that you made the right choice. While it is known far and wide that you have an aversion to making serious decisions, you know that if pushed, you will act exactly as you did. What you see now is how your previous decisions have positively impacted your position. You did the right thing and now you have the proof you needed.

Currently: Four of Pentacles, reversed

Right now you are safe, if a little worried about where all of these “good decisions” will lead you. However, you won’t fall apart because of this, because you feel like you’ve landed in a pretty stable position this year. December feels doubtful, but doubtful on the side of positivity. The glass is half full for you. Although it is not “completely” filled yet, they see this as possible in the near future.

Future: Six wands

Good news, Gemini! You will experience great success in the coming year as all your great efforts now seem to be paying off. You have a lot to look forward to, and as this card promises, everything will feel and look like a triumph. You are appreciated and praised for your work, and that inspires you to keep doing it.

Keywords: Victory, effort, persistence.

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(June 21st – July 22nd)

Past: Two Pentacles, reversed

Money decisions take you to a point where you feel seriously unsafe, and you begin to question whether you are even capable of handling money as responsibly as you need to. The past is full of self-doubt, and if you analyze your behavior, you will find that there are so many valuable lessons here that you can learn from. What didn’t work back then can be reversed for the future.

Currently: The moon, reversed

Typical of your zodiac sign, Cancer, this card is all about you. When reversed, it symbolizes your current recognition of your power, as well as the ways in which your self-doubt is threatening that power. In other words, you know you are strong and invincible. You also know that you are your own worst enemy when you start thinking too much. You are in a state of change; You can harness that energy and turn it into something great.

Future: The hermit, vice versa

December brings you the realization that your best decisions are the ones you make alone. In the future, you will trust yourself much more than you did in the past. What is known is this: Cancer: Self-doubt is your downfall and self-esteem and faith are what help you achieve every success. Get out of the way so you can shine again.

Keywords: Self-sabotage, faith, doubt.

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(July 23rd – August 22nd)

Past: Death, vice versa

You’ve made a big comeback this year, Leo, and as this card suggests, you’ve shown it all. What the past shows is that you are able to get out of any difficult situation and that life is more important to you than standing still. You’ve come a long way this year, and in December you can look back and see how well you did.

Currently: Six swords, reversed

Currently, you’re still battling some old demons, which is okay, because you’re already so seasoned with emotional pain that you feel like you can and will endure whatever it takes to get to the other side . At the moment you are also caring for others and to do this you need to stay in good shape mentally, emotionally and physically.

Future: Three of Pentacles, reversed

The future makes you think twice before taking important steps. You have learned from the past that impulsiveness does not bring the best results and that if you remain patient and diligent, you will be able to create the best possible circumstances for yourself. You know what you’re doing and you know you won’t act spontaneously.

Keywords: Preliminary thought, meditation, discretion.

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(August 23 – September 22)

Past: The lovers, vice versa

In December, you may find yourself in a tailspin when it comes to thinking about your past loves, as you tend to romanticize the people who are no longer in your life. Some of them bring back fond memories and others have turned into personal demons that you like to take advantage of when you’re in a bad mood. You blame the bad and praise the good, and none of it really matters to you anyway. It’s just a “December” thing.

Currently: Three wands

All you want now is the peace of mind that your home, your family, and your finances are doing well. You don’t want to dedicate a minute of your time to the stress and all the financial uncertainty that has come with it. You see the month of December as “pretty good,” and while “pretty good” isn’t “fantastically wonderful,” you’re happy to know that things are working well within the status quo.

Future: Five of Pentacles, reversed

The future requires you to work, and even if the work doesn’t excite you, your whole life will feel good knowing that you still have your job and still get a good, stable salary. You don’t necessarily see yourself as a “winner,” but at least you’re not a loser in your own eyes. The future gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will be okay no matter what happens.

Keywords: Work, realism, balance.

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(September 23rd – October 22nd)

Past: Ace of Swords, reversed

A very serious rejection has shaped so much of what has happened this year, and it has sent you to a dark place where many of your reactions are bitter and unacceptable. You’ve been mean to friends and family and you know it. It’s all because you’re having such a hard time dealing with a particularly hard truth… a truth that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

Currently: Knight of Wands

In December, you accept not only that things will never be the way you imagined them again, but also that you, Libra, will be someone who will save your life. This card is powerful and shows that you will not accept rejection as a failure. Of course you know you were rejected, but what now? Life goes on and so do you. You are strong, proud and feel much lighter than before.

Future: The fool

The good thing about you is that you are really resilient. Yes, certain things have really weighed heavily on you, but that is a trait that you left behind in the past. You may appear stupid in the eyes of others, but what others think will never matter to you again. You are not responsible for what others think of you. That’s up to them.

Keywords: willful ignorance, health, loving-kindness.

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(October 23rd – November 21st)

Past: The devil, vice versa

Your efforts so far have turned you into a person you don’t like to see yourself as, as your true Scorpio nature has really taken over and nothing good has come of it. You hurt people and tricked them into thinking you were there for them, when in reality you were just teasing them and giving them a false sense of security. You know what you did and you regret it. Still, you did what you did, and that’s all.

Currently: Justice, vice versa

If there was ever a month to “repent,” it would be December 2023, as you have come full circle with what you did in the past and know you need to change your behavior. Hurting people only hurt you and you don’t want any more pain in your life. You are determined to change and it is in your nature to do so, so you see the next phase in your life as something you can achieve.

Future: Eight wands

As for your goal, if you dedicate yourself fully to the work, you will be able to refocus and restructure everything else in your life. In the future, avoid relationships for a while so you can focus on yourself and what you want to do with your life. You know you want to live a good, healthy life, and that seems very doable for you, Scorpio.

Keywords: Hope, wisdom, renewal.

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(November 22nd – December 21st)

Past: moderation

You feel like this year has completely humbled you because you’ve realized that you’re no more special than anyone else. Even though this felt like a blow to you, since you’ve always believed that you were some kind of “golden child,” you still believe that there is something good to learn from being humble. Being equal to other people was a difficult lesson, but one that one fully internalized.

Currently: Ten of Wands, reversed

Right now it’s about doing what is necessary to survive. This is a broad spectrum and covers all areas, but you are most focused on health and finances at the moment. Love and romance are not your main topics, and that’s a good thing. You feel like you’re on the verge of great success, but the trick is not to get distracted. This will be the hard part because in December there are distractions everywhere.

Future: Seven of Wands

What you see in the future is more of the same, but better. What this implies and what this card represents is the state of energetic concentration. You will not give up in time the efforts that brought you to this place. You have done something good, and it is beginning to be more than promising; You will see great success because you have put in tremendous effort to get here.

Keywords: Success, decision, work

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(December 22nd – January 19th)

Past: The sun

When you look back on your year, you’ll see that you’ve been doing pretty well in life. Even though you may have been in the dark at times, this year has given you hope and a firm belief in your ability to overcome and grow. You look back on this year with a melancholy fondness, feeling like it all led to where you are now, and in a pretty good place.

Currently: King of Pentacles

Honestly, you have a very good life, Capricorn, and that’s because you worked hard to get here. Yes, you have experienced ups and downs and your love life has often been on the verge of ending. Yet here you are, your relationship is intact and all you can feel in December 2023 is gratitude. You have made it and become a person that others can trust and rely on.

Future: Queen of Swords, reversed

What began so long ago will continue as you forge new paths and stay true to your desire for success in everything you do. You truly are a force of nature and while you may not always be understood or even liked, you make sure that whatever you do in this life, you don’t knowingly hurt anyone in the process. Yes, you are strict and disciplined, but in the future you will be perceived as a figure of love.

Keywords: Original, authentic, fighter

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(January 20th – February 18th)

Past: The star

You’ve spent most of this year being in love with someone who may not have loved you back. You had planned to make her love you and from the looks of it, you’re still not even sure if your plan will work. However, you have proven one thing to yourself: you are persistent and true to your beliefs. You’ve tried, and you still haven’t come to terms with the fact that it might not work out in the long run.

Currently: Two magic wands

You are very hesitant to accept this month as the moment you have to live in because the past is still calling you. However, December brings you hope and a certain kind of self-acceptance that allows you to perhaps let go of that one person and move on, regardless of what you always thought was another fate that awaited you. You came into contact with the truth in December 2023 and that truth tells you that you must move on.

Future: Five trophies

You have lived a good life and now the future shows you that there is much more to experience. That’s the key word of this card: experience. You need this, you need more than what you had, and that’s where your karma is taking you. If you thought you knew it all, then you are about to enter a world of experience that will show you that life is all about the NOW and that the past is dead.

Keywords: Revelation, recognition, persecution.

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(February 19th – March 20th)

Past: Four of Wands, reversed

Melancholy and sadness connect you with the past. Although you have so many wonderful and pleasant memories, December 2023 seems to bring them all back in a way that makes you uncomfortable and triggers the need for more peace. Everything happened here and you understood that you were living in the past and that made you feel stagnant and slow.

Currently: Ace of Wands, reversed

In December 2023 you will make a firm decision to free yourself from your crisis, simply because you see how self-destructive you have been behaving and will no longer support this state of affairs. You are a strong person with a wild mind, and although life in the past was the only thing you were convinced was what you have now, you know for sure that NOW is not the past. It’s time to feel good for the next phase and you know that in your heart.

Future: Seven of Swords

In the near future, you will take some selfish steps to protect yourself, but no one can blame you here as you are the only one who comes to your rescue. You know what you have to do, and if you have to push others out of the way to achieve your goal, then so be it. They don’t see it as selfish; They see him as a survivor. You have to fight for yourself because there is no one to take the job.

Keywords: Fight, greed, survival

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.