
Tackling the Online Hotel Pricing Challenge, Expedia CEO Calls for Hotel Industry Unity

Tackling the Online Hotel Pricing Challenge, Expedia CEO Calls for Hotel Industry Unity Read More »


In the ever-evolving landscape of online travel, Expedia CEO Peter Kern has raised a clarion call at the Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) in Los Angeles, shedding light on the escalating crisis of unauthorized wholesale rates permeating smaller retail travel platforms. This momentous occasion marked Kern as the first head of a major online travel agency to address the prestigious ALIS conference, underlining the gravity of the issue for hotel owners and developers alike.

Kern’s impassioned plea delves into the heart of a billion-dollar problem – the misuse of wholesale rates in the expansive online marketplace. His message to hotel owners is unequivocal: the time has come to combat the rampant leakage of rates, a challenge that poses a significant threat to the efforts of online travel agencies in delivering the best prices to consumers.

Traditionally, hotels have earmarked specific rooms for discounted wholesale rates, reserving them exclusively for contracted partners to provide specialized deals to discerning clientele. Examples abound in collaborations with tour operators, where wholesale rates are strategically bundled with discounted flight packages. However, Kern highlights a disconcerting trend: certain agencies are willfully violating these agreements.

The consequences are palpable and frustrating for hoteliers. Wholesale rates intended for specific partnerships are finding their way into unintended channels, surfacing on various online travel agencies (OTAs) and comparison sites. Kern emphasizes the tangible frustration faced by hotel staff when guests arrive armed with rates unbeknownst to the hotel’s management.

Despite concerted efforts by Expedia, collaborating with major hotel chains such as Marriott to address the issue, the problem persists. Independent and regional hotel groups, in particular, continue to grapple with the insidious practice of “wholesale leakage,” undermining the very essence of online travel agencies striving to offer the most competitive prices.

In the face of being undercut on prices, some hotels appear indifferent, driven by the immediate benefits of achieving high occupancy rates. General managers, often evaluated based on these metrics, face a dilemma in prioritizing short-term gains over the intricate process of tightening distribution, which demands both time and financial resources.

Compounding the challenge is the elusive nature of tracking these unauthorized rates. Geographical restrictions shroud their visibility, with rates appearing normal on U.S.-based searches while revealing lower prices when accessed by travelers in the Asia Pacific region.

Acknowledging that some hotels may not fully grasp the severity of the issue, Kern finds this perspective puzzling. In a stern warning, he cautions against compromising direct-to-consumer rates for the sake of short-term occupancy gains, questioning the long-term viability of such a myopic strategy.

The clarion call echoes urgently across the industry: hotel owners and online travel agencies must forge a united front to staunch the flow of unauthorized wholesale rates, safeguarding the integrity of pricing structures and ensuring a fair and competitive marketplace for all stakeholders. The challenges are formidable, but the imperative for collaborative action is undeniable in navigating the complex seas of online hospitality.

Global Hotel Transactions Anticipated to Rebound, Surpassing $58 Billion in 2024

Global Hotel Transactions Anticipated to Rebound, Surpassing $58 Billion in 2024 Read More »


In a noteworthy turn of events, the global hotel industry is poised for a resurgence in dealmaking, with transactions projected to exceed $58 billion in 2024. Last year, the sector witnessed a decade-low in transactions, second only to the unprecedented challenges faced during the pandemic in 2020. However, optimism is on the horizon, fueled by a more favorable financing environment, according to insights from JLL Hotels & Hospitality.

JLL, a reputable investment advisory firm with a track record of facilitating over $60 billion in hotel asset trades worldwide in the last five years, provides a glimpse into the upcoming trends in its exclusive 2024 global hotel investment outlook report.

Drivers of the Anticipated Hospitality Transaction Boom:

  1. Private Equity Dynamics: Some private equity funds are approaching the end of their life cycles, creating a scenario where capital needs to be disbursed back to investors. The imminent need to deploy available capital is expected to be a driving force behind increased deal activity.
  2. Market Struggles and Asset Sales: Certain hotel owners find themselves in markets struggling to recover from the pandemic, such as San Francisco, Bangkok, and Mexico City. Faced with impending loan maturities, these owners may turn to asset sales as a strategic financial move.
  3. Deferred Capital Expenditures: The aftermath of the pandemic saw many hotel owners deferring essential capital expenditures. Now, faced with a backlog of necessary property improvement plans, they seek buyers willing to take on properties requiring significant upgrades.

The challenging landscape of 2023, with a mere $50.5 billion in transaction volume, prompted a cautious approach among buyers and sellers, largely influenced by rising interest rates. However, the prevailing belief that debt costs may stabilize or decrease has set the stage for a renewed wave of activity in the hotel investment landscape.

Hot Hotel Markets and Pricing Dynamics:

JLL identifies major gateway cities, including London, Los Angeles, Paris, New York, Sydney, and Tokyo, as focal points for heightened investor interest. These cities, strategically important in the global hospitality landscape, are expected to witness increased activity.

Despite a decline in single-asset prices per hotel guestroom key in 2023 – at $301,000, an 8% drop from 2019 levels – JLL anticipates pricing to strengthen. Sellers, driven by a desire to exit investments, and buyers, increasingly willing to pay premiums, are expected to inject more liquidity into the market.

London, in particular, may witness increased interest due to pent-up demand, with only $867.8 million worth of deals occurring last year, a significant 64% drop from the long-term average.

Property Preferences and Regional Dynamics:

Landmark luxury properties, select-service offerings, and extended-stay accommodations are anticipated to be the most sought-after assets. Investors in North America and Europe are expected to lead in transaction volume growth, while Asia’s recovery, although ongoing, is projected to lag behind its counterparts.

Major hotel groups are forecasted to engage in an above-average level of dealmaking. The slowdown in new hotel supply, attributed to rising construction costs and ongoing supply chain and labor disruptions, has led hotel groups to explore conversions of existing properties to their brands. However, intense competition for these properties may push hotel groups to seek net room growth through strategic acquisitions of portfolios.

The unfolding trends indicate a shifting landscape within the global hotel industry, with players adapting to emerging opportunities and challenges. The anticipated rebound in dealmaking signifies a proactive approach by stakeholders to navigate a path towards recovery and growth in the post-pandemic era.

Marriott’s Visionary Approach to Global Expansion, Luxury Excellence, and Cutting-Edge Technology

Marriott’s Visionary Approach to Global Expansion, Luxury Excellence, and Cutting-Edge Technology Read More »


Marriott International, a global hospitality giant, led by CEO Anthony Capuano, finds itself at a crucial juncture in its growth trajectory. Having doubled its room count in the past decade, the company faces the challenge of sustaining and enhancing its market dominance. Capuano’s strategic vision encompasses several key pillars aimed at not only maintaining but also expanding Marriott’s influence in the highly competitive hospitality industry.

Global Property Diversification: A Comprehensive Approach

Capuano’s approach to global property diversification goes beyond mere geographic expansion. The goal is to ensure that Marriott can cater to the diverse preferences of its global customer base. The emphasis on a varied portfolio allows the company to offer tailored experiences for every type of traveler. With a keen eye on long-term growth, Capuano places a strategic bet on the luxury hotel category, anticipating that the high-margin returns from this segment will compensate for the potential challenges associated with the expansion into lower-margin mid-tier brands.

Addressing concerns about future developments impacting profit margins, Capuano refutes the notion that Marriott has exhausted prime locations. The recent addition of 91,000 rooms in the U.S. and Canada, coupled with a focus on strategic markets such as China, the Middle East, and Europe, demonstrates the company’s commitment to exploring new avenues for growth. Capuano is optimistic about the opportunities in these markets, citing a combination of long runways for expansion and a heightened owner desire for management contracts.

Balancing Mid-Tier Brands and Luxury Focus

One of Marriott’s key revenue streams comes from charging owners fees for managing hotels on their behalf. However, the introduction of mid-tier brands poses a challenge, potentially leading to a drop in average rates and subsequently impacting management fees. Capuano acknowledges this concern but reassures investors that the company’s unwavering focus on high-margin luxury and lifestyle properties will serve as a counterbalance. With an impressive portfolio of 623 luxury hotels and an additional 245 in the pipeline, Marriott aims to strike a strategic balance between catering to diverse market segments and maintaining profitability.

Capuano’s strategic leadership includes the creation of the position of a global president of luxury, emphasizing the company’s commitment to excellence in this segment. Dedicated resources for luxury operations across continents underline Marriott’s determination to provide a premium experience for guests seeking opulence and sophistication. Improvements in the culinary offerings at luxury hotels further showcase Marriott’s commitment to meeting evolving guest preferences.

Technology Transformation: Ensuring Relevance in the Digital Age

Recognizing the rapid evolution of technology, Capuano has embarked on a multi-year technology revamp that aims to bring Marriott’s systems in line with contemporary expectations. The focus is not only on enhancing operational efficiency but also on providing guests with a seamless and intuitive experience. The planned technology transformation includes a streamlined system for front desk operations, website and app enhancements for improved user experience, and the integration of generative artificial intelligence for advanced customer service capabilities.

Marriott’s commitment to technology is evident in its adoption of cloud-based systems and the establishment of a technology-focused committee at the board level. Capuano emphasizes that technology investment is not a one-time initiative but an ongoing commitment to innovation. The company is actively seeking inspiration from successful online retailers to enhance upselling and cross-selling capabilities, ensuring that Marriott remains at the forefront of technological advancements in the hospitality sector.

Marriott International, under the strategic leadership of Anthony Capuano, is addressing its growth challenges through a multifaceted approach. The emphasis on global property diversification, a careful balance between mid-tier and luxury brands, and a comprehensive technology transformation reflect a forward-thinking strategy aimed at securing the company’s position as a leader in the dynamic and ever-evolving hospitality landscape. Despite the challenges, Capuano’s confidence in Marriott’s ability to adapt and thrive remains unwavering.

From Robot Butlers to Wellness Havens: The Hospitality Revolution You Never Saw Coming!

From Robot Butlers to Wellness Havens: The Hospitality Revolution You Never Saw Coming! Read More »


After a period of pandemic-induced dormancy, the global hospitality industry stirred to life in 2022, and the momentum carried into 2023 with a resurgence in tourism and evolving guest preferences.

In the wake of adversity, hospitality businesses are refocusing on technology and elevating guest experiences. This article explores the significant shifts, technological strides, and market dynamics that shaped the hospitality landscape in 2023.

The Post-Pandemic Phoenix: A Tourism Revival

The global hospitality industry, rebounding from COVID-19 lockdowns, witnessed a robust resurgence in 2023. Luxury hotels took center stage as tourists, hungry for exploration, fueled the industry’s recovery.

Adapting swiftly to changed traveler preferences—emphasizing safety, efficiency, and uniqueness—proved instrumental in this remarkable comeback.

Spotlight on Sustainability: Greening the Hospitality Scene

Sustainability takes center stage in hospitality, with luxury hotels championing eco-friendly practices. From vegetarian menus to renewable energy adoption, hotels align with the global focus on environmental responsibility.

The integration of co-working spaces reflects a changing market, accommodating the rise of remote work and attracting sustainability-conscious clientele.

The Road to Wellness: A Priority for Modern Travelers

Wellness tourism emerges as a priority for travelers seeking physical and emotional health improvements. Hotels cater to this demand by offering state-of-the-art fitness centers, spa facilities, and healthy dining options.

This trend proves lucrative, as wellness tourists tend to spend significantly more, contributing to the financial health of the hospitality sector.

Embracing Technology: Luxury Hotels in the Digital Age

Luxury hotels, learning from the pandemic, embrace technology as a core operational element. Contactless experiences, mobile apps, and robotic services are becoming the norm, ensuring a secure and comfortable stay.

Differentiating themselves in a competitive landscape, luxury hotels offer exclusive amenities and personalized experiences tailored to individual tastes.

Personalization Boosts Satisfaction: Tailoring Experiences

Personalized concierge services, private dining with renowned chefs, and access to exclusive cultural events redefine guest experiences. Advances in hotel automation and self-service solutions facilitate these bespoke offerings.

Guest data becomes the driving force behind these personalized experiences, marking a shift toward a more guest-centric approach.

AI’s Impact on Hospitality: Transforming the Landscape

The AI revolution sweeps the hospitality industry, from predictive analytics optimizing room allocations to AI-powered chatbots providing instant assistance. AI and machine learning reshape luxury hotels’ operational models.

Predictive analytics contribute to operational efficiency, allowing hotels to make better, data-informed decisions, a crucial factor for long-term competitiveness.

Balancing Tradition and Innovation: The Human Touch in the Digital Era

As hotels navigate the intersection of tradition and innovation, the importance of a fusion between technology and the human touch becomes evident. While AI streamlines tasks, personal interactions and an intuitive understanding of guests’ needs remain irreplaceable.

The future of luxury hospitality lies in striking a balance between technology, efficiency, and the timeless art of storytelling to create unforgettable guest experiences.

The Future of Luxury Hospitality: Adapting, Innovating, Succeeding

Reflecting on the innovations of 2023, the synergy between technology and the human touch emerges as the hallmark of hospitality services. Hotels, having weathered the storm, are not merely bouncing back but emerging stronger and more resilient.

The lessons learned during the pandemic propel the industry into an era defined by adaptability, innovation, and unwavering guest satisfaction. As technology shapes hospitality, the key to success lies in maintaining a balance between luxury and efficiency, staying informed about trends, and prioritizing the guest experience.

SHOCKING! Unbelievable Mystery Surrounding Hotel Water Corpse – What Really Happened?

SHOCKING! Unbelievable Mystery Surrounding Hotel Water Corpse – What Really Happened? Read More »


Cause of death is pending further examination.

Health department assures that hotel water is free of harmful bacteria according to tests.

Canadian university confirms woman is not enrolled in classes this year.

One guest describes the water as having a peculiar taste, stating it was “very funny, sweet, and disgusting.”

Two days after the disturbing discovery, the Los Angeles hotel water tank corpse case remains a mystery with numerous unanswered questions.

The decomposing body of Elisa Lam was found in a water tank on the roof of the Cecil Hotel, where guests used the water for various purposes for up to 19 days.

A maintenance worker, responding to water complaints, discovered the 21-year-old Canadian tourist inside one of four water cisterns on Tuesday morning, as reported by Los Angeles Police Sgt. Rudy Lopez.

The circumstances surrounding Elisa Lam’s death raise suspicion among robbery-homicide detectives, who consider it a peculiar and potentially suspicious incident.

An autopsy has been conducted, but the cause of death is deferred, awaiting further examination, says Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter, a process that may take six to eight weeks.

Toxicology reports, which may reveal any drugs in Lam’s system, will also take several weeks.

Security camera footage from the hotel shows Lam acting strangely in an elevator on the last day she was seen, adding a mysterious dimension to the case.

Lam had checked into the Cecil Hotel five days earlier on her way to Santa Cruz, California.

The delay in finding Lam is attributed to her parents reporting her missing in early February, with her last contact on January 31.

Issues with the hotel’s water supply emerged later in the month, with guests describing problems such as black water and an odd taste.

Despite the discovery of Lam’s body in the water tank, the hotel continued to accept new guests, requiring them to sign waivers releasing the hotel from liability.

The Los Angeles Public Health Department conducted tests on the water supply, allowing the hotel to stay open with the provision of bottled water and a warning against drinking tap water.

Guests were not initially informed about the body in the water supply, and the hotel management did not respond to CNN’s inquiries.

The Cecil Hotel has a notorious past, housing at least two convicted murderers, including the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez.

Despite its dark history, the hotel markets itself as a budget-friendly option for tourists, conveniently located in downtown Los Angeles.

Island Blues: Hayden’s Thunderbird Hotel Faces Million-Dollar Tax Storm!

Island Blues: Hayden’s Thunderbird Hotel Faces Million-Dollar Tax Storm! Read More »


The Thunderbird hotel on Hayden Island, once a prominent establishment, now finds itself entangled in financial troubles as the owning company grapples with an outstanding property tax bill exceeding $1 million. Multnomah County’s Assessment & Taxation department revealed that the unpaid taxes extend back to 2008, accumulating to a staggering total of $1,123,801.02, including accrued interest.

Having been an integral part of the Hayden Island landscape since its construction in 1971, the Thunderbird hotel underwent changes in ownership over the years. Originally under the ownership of Red Lion Hotels, Inc., it was later sold to Doubletree DTWC in 2002. In 2004, Thunderbird Hotel LLC took ownership, and since 2005, the Thunderbird on the River Hotel has remained vacant, contributing to the financial challenges faced by its owning entity.

Property tax records indicate that the mailing address associated with the Thunderbird hotel is 909 N. Hayden Island Dr., care of Howard Dietrich Jr., a well-known local investor. Interestingly, Howard Dietrich Jr. also owns the Red Lion Hotel on the River, located at the same address, which is reported to be current on property taxes, according to Joan Gross from Multnomah County.

The financial strain faced by the Thunderbird hotel has come to light following a destructive fire that occurred just before 3 a.m. on a recent Sunday. Ron Rouse, spokesperson for Portland Fire & Rescue, reported damages totaling $5 million, marking the incident as Portland’s most significant fire since 2002. The fire, which destroyed six buildings on the multi-acre property, has prompted a thorough investigation involving nearly 30 investigators, including personnel from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The extensive property poses challenges for investigators seeking to determine the cause of the fire. Ron Rouse mentioned that chemists and specially trained dogs would be deployed to assist in the inquiry, underlining the complexity of the investigation. As investigators delve into the wreckage, the process is anticipated to take several days, if not weeks, to unravel the circumstances surrounding the fire that has left the Thunderbird hotel in ruins.

FTC Drops Bombshell Lawsuit: Wyndham’s Epic Failures Exposed – Your Personal Info Sold to Russia!

FTC Drops Bombshell Lawsuit: Wyndham’s Epic Failures Exposed – Your Personal Info Sold to Russia! Read More »


The Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit against Wyndham Worldwide Corporation and three of its subsidiaries, alleging data security failures that resulted in three data breaches at Wyndham hotels within a span of less than two years. The FTC claims that these failures led to fraudulent charges on consumers’ accounts, millions of dollars in fraud losses, and the export of hundreds of thousands of consumers’ payment card account information to an Internet domain address registered in Russia.

This legal action is part of the FTC’s ongoing efforts to ensure companies uphold their promises regarding privacy and data security. According to the complaint, Wyndham’s privacy policy misrepresented the security measures taken to protect consumers’ personal information, resulting in substantial consumer injury. The FTC asserts that these security practices were both unfair and deceptive, violating the FTC Act.

Despite Wyndham and its subsidiaries licensing the Wyndham name to around 90 independently-owned hotels, the FTC claims that the repeated security failures exposed consumers’ personal data to unauthorized access. The defendants allegedly neglected to implement necessary security measures such as complex user IDs and passwords, firewalls, and network segmentation.

The breaches allowed intruders to install “memory-scraping” malware on Wyndham-branded hotels’ property management system servers, gaining access to sensitive payment card information. The compromised security procedures led to over 500,000 payment card accounts being compromised, with hundreds of thousands of payment card account numbers exported to a domain registered in Russia.

The FTC contends that, even after the first breach, Wyndham failed to address known security vulnerabilities, detect unauthorized access, or follow proper incident response procedures. Consequently, Wyndham’s security was breached two more times in less than two years.

The defendants in the case include Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, its subsidiary Wyndham Hotel Group, LLC, Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, LLC, and Wyndham Hotel Management, Inc.

The Commission voted 5-0 to authorize staff to file the complaint, with Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch concurring in the filing but dissenting from including Count II. The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona.

It’s important to note that the filing of the complaint by the Commission indicates a belief that the law has been or is being violated, and it is not a finding or ruling that the defendants have actually violated the law. The FTC’s role is to work for consumers, preventing fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices, and providing information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid such practices.

Hotel Utica: A Phoenix Rising – The Rebirth of Utica’s Architectural Gem!

Hotel Utica: A Phoenix Rising – The Rebirth of Utica’s Architectural Gem! Read More »


In March 1909, a group of Uticans returned home from Washington, having attended the inauguration of Utica native James Schoolcraft Sherman as the 27th Vice President of the United States. Conversations among them likely revolved around the need for an elegant hotel in Utica.

F.X. Matt, the founder and president of the West End Brewery, expressed admiration for the Raleigh Hotel they stayed in, sparking a discussion about the necessity of a similar establishment in Utica. Thomas Johnson, the former operator of Bagg’s Hotel, agreed, noting the aging state of Bagg’s Hotel and the excellence of the Hotel Martin on Bleecker Street.

William Risinger, principal of the Utica School of Commerce, emphasized the city’s growing population, suggesting the need for a luxurious, fireproof hotel to accommodate increasing visitors and conventions. Upon their return to Utica, they promptly took action.

The Utica Hotel Corp. was formed with a capital of $300,000, acquiring land at Lafayette and Seneca streets to build a 10-story, 300-room, fireproof hotel. The Johnson Hotel Company, led by Thomas and Delos Johnson, leased the completed hotel for $610,000. The Utica Observer hailed the Hotel Utica as “the most beautiful, thoroughly modern hotel between New York City and Chicago.”

The hotel’s grand opening took place on March 11, 1912, attracting significant attention. Constructed with the finest materials, including marble, mahogany, walnut, and oak, the lobby featured massive marble pillars, a reading and writing room, and a newsstand offering newspapers from around the world.

A mezzanine led to a large ballroom furnished in the Louis XV style, while a Gentlemen’s Café and Grille, initially “for men only,” soon welcomed female patrons. The opening night dinner served more than 1,200 people, with men in tuxedos and women in elegant gowns.

The Hotel Utica thrived for 14 years, prompting a four-story, 50-room expansion in 1926. Offering affordable rates and luxurious accommodations, it became a popular choice. However, in 1972, the hotel closed its doors due to a “leisurely decline,” rising operating costs, and increased competition from new motels.

Subsequently, the building housed the Hunter house, an adult care facility. In 1998, Joseph R. Carucci and Charles N. Gaetano purchased the property, embarking on a multimillion-dollar renovation. The new Hotel Utica opened in 2001, restoring the historic establishment to its former glory.

Haiti Gets a New Marriott Hotel Thanks to a Surprising Celebrity Benefactor

Haiti Gets a New Marriott Hotel Thanks to a Surprising Celebrity Benefactor Read More »


Two years post the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake that ravaged Haiti’s capital, a noteworthy initiative facilitated by the charitable foundation of former President Bill Clinton is set to bring additional accommodation options to Port-au-Prince – in the form of a $45 million hotel.

Addressing the limited capacity of the city, which currently has only around 500 functional hotel rooms, the future hotel’s owner and operator emphasized the crucial need for space to house aid workers, potential investors, and other visitors, as outlined in a news release on Monday.

The hotel, with 173 new rooms, is owned by Caribbean cell phone provider Digicel and is expected to generate 175 new job opportunities. Upon completion in 2014, Marriott Hotels and Resorts will take over the hotel’s operations, with construction slated to commence in 2012.

Former President Clinton commended the project for its job creation and potential to attract visitors, expressing his appreciation in a statement released by the William J. Clinton Foundation. “My foundation has collaborated with both Marriott and Digicel, encouraging them to forge this partnership,” stated the president.

The collaborative efforts involved the Clinton Foundation visiting proposed construction sites alongside the involved parties, facilitating introductions to the Haitian government and the Haitian Tourism Association, according to statements from Digicel and Marriott.

Haiti’s largest private investor and cell phone provider, Digicel, asserted its commitment to philanthropy, highlighting its charitable contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative.

President Clinton’s involvement in Haiti dates back to shortly after the January 12, 2010, earthquake, where he was appointed as a U.N. special envoy to Haiti. In response to President Barack Obama’s request, Clinton, along with former President George W. Bush, established the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to raise funds for relief and recovery efforts in Haiti.

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.0, claimed the lives of approximately 316,000 people and profoundly affected about 3 million out of Haiti’s 9 million residents, according to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

SHOCKING Hotel Horrors: The Hidden Dangers Every Business Traveler MUST Know!

SHOCKING Hotel Horrors: The Hidden Dangers Every Business Traveler MUST Know! Read More »


Business travelers, especially women, need to be extremely vigilant about their personal safety when staying at hotels for work. Recent high-profile cases of assaults and harassment at hotels have drawn attention to the risks, but attacks can happen to anyone, even in seemingly safe environments.

Women business travelers are very frequent targets of sexual assault, harassment, and other crimes. “Most women business travelers are just beginning to learn how unsafe they can be in hotels and other travel settings,” says New York-based safety consultant Paxton Quigley, author of “Not an Easy Target.” She explains that airports, planes, hotels, walking alone in unfamiliar cities, and conventions all pose major risks for women. Factors like wearing name badges and publicly sharing hotel room numbers at conventions make women particularly vulnerable to predators.

Even hotel spaces presumed to be safe, like business centers, can pose unseen dangers. In 2002, Jeanne Duwe was attacked while working late in a hotel business center in Reno, Nevada while traveling for work. She made the critical mistake of turning her back on a man who entered the business center, before he suddenly hit the lights and violently attacked her.

To stay as safe as possible, women travelers need to closely follow their instincts if any situation seems strange or off. When hotel staff make deliveries, leave the door wide open or politely tell them you’ll take the item from there, rather than letting them fully enter the room. Use door stoppers, keep all adjoining room doors tightly locked, and consider requesting room service be delivered by female members of the hotel staff if possible. Be very cautious around hotel bars, as they can frequently be harassment hotspots, and be extremely careful about accepting drinks from strangers that could be spiked with date rape drugs.

Many incidents stem from travelers allowing strangers into their rooms, but co-workers can also present risks on shared trips. Standard workplace harassment policies fully apply when sharing travel accommodations with colleagues. Hotels have cracked down on openly giving out guest room numbers after high-profile stalking cases, but predators can still find room numbers on door tags for deliveries or gym sign-in sheets.

The vast majority of troublesome incidents at hotels go completely unreported, so remaining constantly vigilant is key. Although some attacks or harassment may seem relatively minor in the moment, they still leave victims badly shaken. Maintaining awareness and caution can go a very long way toward helping travelers avoid becoming victims and staying safe.