Limay Blanco will leave a project to help those in need in Cuba: "damn money"

The Cuban comedian Lima White announced the end of his aid project for the needy in Cuba, for which he has been embroiled in serious allegations in recent days.

The artist posted a video on his social networks around four in the morning and confessed that he couldn’t sleep “while thinking and turning the tape back on”.

“My god, I’m upset, I’m very upset. I am very upset and saddened by the issue of Legna’s case and all the things Legna’s mother said about me. She knows all the time I’ve given to this family God knows all the time I’ve given to this family. My greatest achievement is bringing this girl to Italy. Damn money,” he lamented.

Limay refers to the Case of the Cuban girl Legna Angelina Verdecia Carbonellthree years old who traveled to Italy to treat an eye cancer that could not be treated in Cuba and which would cost him the vision of the only good eye.

It was the comedian who launched a campaign in January 2021, as part of the humanitarian project he has been running for a few years, asking for help on social networks to collect donations so that Legna’s family can take her to an operation abroad could bring.

In recent days, the girl’s mother, Mailyn Carbonell Mengana, has accused Limay of stealing the fundraiser money for her daughter’s treatment and has interviewed various YouTubers directly, blaming him.

“Yesterday Limay was an angel fallen from heaven, a messenger of God, a person who did not fit this heart in his chest, and today I am a thief,” wrote the humorist on his social networks.

Limay Blanco has been with the humanitarian project “Christ Changes Lives” for three years, which consists in raising money to help needy Cuban families, so much medicineMedical treatments such as electrical appliances, beds, mattresses, etc even houses.

Regarding Legna’s particular case, Limay explained that this money was never in his hands but was deposited directly into an account in Miami and that the money could be withdrawn from this account gradually and not all at once.

The humorist confessed that what caused him the most pain was not being branded a thief in various publications circulating on the networks, or even that the good intention with which he helped these people is doubted, but that he is the mother of the girl who so accuses him.

“For me it was my second family. You don’t know. Every day I went to Legna, that was my girl. Suddenly one day her [la madre] He wanted all the money and he couldn’t get it out of one stick, I explained it to him but he took it,” he said.

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