Greenpeace activists board a freighter with a Shell platform on board

Green PeaceActivists boarded a freighter carrying a drilling rig for oil giant Shell on Tuesday. Four Greenpeace International activists from Argentina, Turkey, Britain and the United States boarded the ship White Marlin north of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic on Tuesday, the environmental organization said.

The aim of the campaign is to draw attention to the climate damage caused by fossil fuels, which Shell and other companies will finally have to “pay for”, explained Yeb Sano, executive director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia. The vessel is transporting the drilling rig for the Penguins oil and gas field, near the Scottish Shetland Islands in the North Sea, on behalf of Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell.

Multi-day supplies on hand

The “peaceful protest” aims to “point out the global climate destruction caused by Shell and the entire fossil fuel industry, which still hasn’t paid a cent for the damage they caused (…)”, said the Group. The activists boarded the “White Marlin” with three boats from the Greenpeace ship “Arctic Sunrise” and climbed aboard with the help of a rope. They stayed on board and “now look after the ship’s cargo, a Shell oil and gas platform,” Greenpeace said. The activists had several days’ worth of supplies.

Greenpeace Sano’s Southeast Asia director said Shell should “stop drilling and start paying”. The organization is taking action today because Shell’s fossil fuel extraction is causing death, destruction and displacement around the world, hitting those least responsible for the climate crisis hardest.