Mrs. Elghawaby, Victim of Racism in Quebec!

Much has been written about the so-called “Elghawaby Affair”.

But the award for most amazing text goes to Émilie Nicholas from Le Devoir.


Here is what Ms Nicholas wrote on her Twitter account.

“Amira Elghawaby. Bochra Manai. Tamara Thermitus. Even Michaelle Jean.

At some point someone would have to provide me with a list of racialized women who were appointed to important public positions and not immediately attempted to kill them. »

You read that right.

If so many people (including Pablo Rodriguez) have criticized Amira Elghawaby, the Le Devoir columnist argues, it’s not because the statements made about Quebecers by the federal government’s Commissioner for the Fight against Islamophobia are highly questionable.

That’s because she’s a racist woman.

In fact, Mrs. Elghawaby hadn’t even opened her mouth when she was ready to be lynched.

What do you want, we are so in Quebec!

We don’t judge people by what they say or do, we judge them by the color of their skin!

If we criticize Michaële Jean, it’s not because the former governor general of Canada and former secretary general of La Francophonie wasted public money and behaved like a princess, no.

It’s because she’s a black woman!

If Bochra Manaï was criticized, it wasn’t because the City of Montreal Commissioner for Combating Racism and Systemic Discrimination claimed that Quebec had become “an example for supremacists around the world,” no.

It’s because she’s an Arab woman!

If we have criticized Tamara Thermitus, it is not because the former President of the Commission on Human and Youth Rights has been accused by several of her staff of creating a toxic work environment.

It’s because she’s a black woman!

In short, the only things that matter to Quebecers are people’s gender and race.

are you a white man

Everything you say is fantastic!

Because we never criticize white men in Quebec, no, NEVER!

But are you a racist woman?

Oh la la we will have your skin!

Whatever you say, whatever you do!

Because in Quebec we are mean, mean, mean!


This is how Émilie Nicholas sees Quebecers.

A bunch of racist misogynists.

Remember this lady writes in Le Devoir.

Daily newspaper founded by Henri Bourassa in 1910 to defend the rights of the Francophones.

This is what happens when you fall headlong into racist ideologies. You see races everywhere.

Actually, all we see is this: race, race, race.

For people like Emilie Nicholas, the world is divided in two: there are victims and perpetrators.

The victims have dark skin.

And the executioners have white skin.

There is a word to describe this way of perceiving the world: racism.

Who is Gaston Miron