Guylaine Tremblay, criticized on her face by “98%” of women on social media, has had enough and speaks out

Actress Guylaine Tremblay is fed up with derogatory comments about her physical appearance. She decided to shout it out loud and clear in a Facebook post calling for solidarity between women.

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Guylaine Tremblay recently received one vicious message too many. Written by a lady, this one demands “stop surgery or injections” and describes her face with the words “man’s jawbone, square, with cheeks that don’t belong to you anymore”.

In her Facebook post, published Wednesday morning, the 62-year-old actress said she was saddened that “98% of women write to openly criticize me.”

“How often do we actresses have to explain to ourselves that a nice make-up combined with a nice lighting can cost us 10 years!!!” writes the actress.

The one we saw glowing in the last Bye Bye calls for solidarity between women. “Let’s encourage each other instead of judging each other!” she wrote. Let’s age HEALTHY and how we want! Surgery or not, it’s up to us!!!!

Two hours after its publication, his message had already garnered 2,800 reactions and 420 favorable comments.

“You are beautiful, wonderful and luminous! Harsh words hurt and I sympathize,” wrote the writer behind the film December 23, starring Guylaine Tremblay, India Desjardins.

Comedian Mariana Mazza wrote in a famously sarcastic manner: “Hey Guylaine, WELCOME TO THE INSULTED CLUB. Don’t hide in panties, don’t be happy and above all don’t be self-confident, the madames are in conflict. I like you”

Last April, host and actress Patricia Paquin shared a video that quickly went viral as a slur against critics who allowed themselves to judge her looks, as well as those of other artists and public figures.

In her minute-long video, which has been viewed by 815,000 people and has 6,200 comments, she speaks head-to-head with people who are making insidious comments like “Can she put botox on?”, often consisting mostly of women.

She goes as far as showing them how to use beautiful light to look their best in photos or videos. “Can we be a little more supportive?” she asks.

Hostess Saskia Thuot has also spoken out several times in recent years about her fight against people who allow themselves to criticize their physical appearance. Notably during his heart cry in a Facebook post in 2014 and after a column about grossophobia on the show Salut, Bonjour! Proof that things haven’t improved much.

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