An 11 year old girl raped by a group of 6 teenagers in the toilets of a mall

It took an 11-year-old girl several weeks to confide in the ordeal she experienced in the toilets of a shopping center in Badalona, ​​north of Barclone, Spain.

According to the Catalan television station TV3, an eleven-year-old girl was gang-raped by six teenagers in a shopping center north of Barcelona (Spain) in Badalona. It was the victim’s older sister who spoke on television to talk about the ordeal experienced by the young girl, who was only able to tell her family about it a month after the events.

“They left her in the toilet”

She specifically explained that her little sister had gone to the mall to buy clothes when she came across these 6 teenagers who threatened her with a knife and forced her to follow them to the restroom. Place where they sexually assaulted him, still at the point of a knife, and ordered him not to scream. “She had the knife in her throat. They told her if they screamed they would kill her,” the victim’s sister testified.

“When they were done, they left her in the bathroom,” she explained. And when the victim finally exited the toilets, she tried to find help from the mall’s security guard, who allegedly ignored her, according to Catalan news outlet ACN.

No charges for three of the attackers

Climax of the horror: The scene was filmed and a video was distributed in various places in the city. Here, the victim’s older brother witnesses the scene and the little girl finally confides in what happened to her.

According to our Catalan colleagues and the first elements of the investigation, three of the six alleged attackers are under the age of 14 and are therefore not being prosecuted for these facts and have clean criminal records. Of the other three, one is still at large, another is in a center for minors and the last is on probation.