USA: Airlines called for vigilance after several incidents

The agency that oversees the United States Civil Aviation Authority (FAA) issued a safety reminder on Wednesday, urging airlines, pilots and other airline personnel to review and enforce existing rules following multiple incidents.

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“While the totals do not reflect an increase in the number of incidents and events, the potential seriousness of these events is of concern,” the FAA said in its statement.

The agency specifically highlights an incident at New York’s JFK airport in January in which a plane on the ground “nearly dodged” a plane about to take off, and another in which two planes almost collided at Austin airport.

There were no casualties in these recent incidents. But they “show the need to remain vigilant and ensure safety risks are mitigated,” the FAA said.

For example, the agency wants all crew members to have the same understanding of rules designed to ensure pilots are not disturbed during critical phases of flight.

The FAA also urges all industry employees to identify and report potential problems.