Fabrizio Frizzi, last interview: «After the ischemia I fight to see my daughter grow up»

In January 2018, Fabrizio Frizzi granted an interview to Corriere on the occasion of his 60th birthday, February 5th. We bring it back to you today, five years after its disappearance, which took place on the night of March 25-26, 2018.

ROME – Fabrizio Frizzi faced a difficult test a few months ago.

Is this birthday a milestone?
“Up until last October 23rd, the day I was struck by ischemia, I thought my 60s were the ideal age to be mature, make the right decisions and still feel fresh and youthful. After the 23rd the perspective has changed slightly: at this age one enters a funnel that narrows horizons, one sees life thinning, assumes life goes on, one makes important assessments of life relationships, on that matters, time is no longer wasted, the basic things are privileged. Yes, it’s a great achievement, but I remain an enthusiast and I don’t give up hope of resuming life full of vigour, even if my legs are a bit weak.”

This day, this illness, the help with the recordings: what did you think?
«Out of my usual safety I fell into a precipice, but luckily I was in a TV studio! The authors, who were always very careful to monitor the machine down to the smallest detail, realized what was happening to me before I did. If it had happened to me at a different time, I don’t know how it would have ended. Now I’m not completely healed, but returning to work, a normal life, gives me a rush of adrenaline, which is an additional therapy to the medical one. It’s like a hyper-turbo engine is built into me with every episode: I can feel tired up to a minute before the live-delayed airing, as soon as I jump into the action it’s all gone. Of course I was hoping that the healing process would be faster, but I understand that I must respect the orders of the excellent clinicians who follow me: every now and then they beat me for my haste, it takes the necessary time”.

Could the disease be due to the physical stress of an adrenaline-fuelled trade?
‘I rule it out. Until recently, I also tracked 18 hours at a time. Sure, our job is a messy job, but it’s also a lot of fun and I’ve always lived a healthy life as well. But as you get older you have to pay attention to the symptoms, they are important signals your body is sending you, they have to be collected and obviously I wasn’t paying attention. Now I have to be there especially for my wife and daughter.

Stella, 4 ½ years old…
“Becoming a father at an advanced age, as happened to me, was a love decision and not an act of selfishness: with a partner much younger than me, I know that Stella is still in good hands and that makes me feel good Better to compare for concerns about my registry office. I struggle to see my creature continue to grow, to be helpful, and to be a point of reference. I don’t know if my daughter understood what happened, we tried to protect her, but I know that children understand much more than we imagine: we play together every day, it’s their way of treating me support, it gives me the energy to keep fighting. And if I emerge victorious from this affair, I will do more to be a testimonial for scientific research.”

Does this nasty adventure make you feel closer to humans?
“I’ve often been lucky enough to be very close to people: at the age of 40, I had the privilege of being able to donate bone marrow to someone and save their life. And when I found myself in the hospital with so many sick people in October, I was fortunate to feel comforted by their affection, they gave me strength.”

Come on, you communicate every night on Rai1: has your way of running the legacy changed too?
“Absolutely yes. In theory, they are in the worst possible conditions to play an enjoyable game, but the desire to play and let the competitors and the public play from home overcomes any physical obstacle and I find myself doing how I joke, joke with them as I have not done before: the illness has, paradoxically, become an added value, an enrichment at work».

A profession that used to be an actor too.
“You know what? When I did theater years ago, for example The Merry Widow with Andrea Bocelli, a world opened up to me: deep down I was shy, but when you’re on stage you have to show your cheek. A show I always dreamed of?Add a seat at the table but after the great Johnny Dorelli there is now his son Gianluca Guidi who is doing very well.And I would do false papers to direct films by Pupi Avati, a director who changed the careers of many actors».

What gift would you like for February 5th?
“I just want a loving thought from those who love me and a wish for the continuation of life.”