Funny text errors will help you feel better about your own glitches

Text Heal! Funny text errors will make you feel a lot better about your own messaging glitches

We all know the feeling of rashly firing off a text and then regretting it — but sometimes the result is so funny it’s worth the embarrassment.

Ruin My Week has compiled a selection of hilarious messages from around the world showing how to see the best side of a shameful situation.

One woman thought she texted her ex lover Dave and called him ad****** but it turns out it was her driving instructor.

Another message exchange shows two people from Vermont discussing and aggressively haggling with the prospective buyer about an item for sale.

Someone’s boss texted them asking them to work overtime and the person accidentally texted the boss back calling it a very offensive term.

This Brit thought she texted and called her ex-lover named Dave.  But it turned out that it was her driving instructor of the same name

This Brit thought she texted and called her ex-lover named Dave. But it turned out that it was her driving instructor of the same name

Another funny news story saw someone’s classmate mistaking a thermometer reading a high temperature for a pregnancy test.

In a rather bizarre exchange of blows between two people in Germany, a man pretended to have been hit when all he really had was smearing strawberry jam on his face.

FEMAIL has compiled some of the most hilarious text messages that will either blow you away or make you cringe.

While a fourth wrote, “Unless the party was some sort of ‘everybody wears white’ wedding or she lives somewhere where white isn’t the bride’s color then she was beyond rude.”

Not up for haggling today, this Vermont individual told a buyer to meet him at a comedy club because his offer was a joke

Not up for haggling today, this Vermont individual told a buyer to meet him at a comedy club because his offer was a joke

This person accidentally texted and called their boss after he asked them to work overtime

This person accidentally texted and called their boss after he asked them to work overtime

who will tell her  Becky thought The Rock and Dwayne Johnson were two different people - one a wrestler and the other an actor

who will tell her Becky thought The Rock and Dwayne Johnson were two different people – one a wrestler and the other an actor

congratulations ok  Jeremy asked his classmate if she was going to class tomorrow and when she sent him a picture of a thermometer he mistook it for a pregnancy test

congratulations ok Jeremy asked his classmate if she was going to class tomorrow and when she sent him a picture of a thermometer he mistook it for a pregnancy test

This buyer on Facebook Marketplace in the US didn't take no for an answer when he set his sights on a used TV

This buyer on Facebook Marketplace in the US didn’t take no for an answer when he set his sights on a used TV

This drunk US girl texted her mom about food — but at least she wasn't drunk calling an ex

This drunk US girl texted her mom about food — but at least she wasn’t drunk calling an ex

Some people would do anything to get unemployed, including this man in Germany who thought he would convince his boss that he had been injured in a fight

Some people would do anything to get unemployed, including this man in Germany who thought he would convince his boss that he had been injured in a fight

Unpleasant!  A UK man got into a fight with his mother after his brother came home and had rowdy sex

Unpleasant! A UK man got into a fight with his mother after his brother came home and had rowdy sex

Jumping to conclusions!  A US woman thought she was proposing when it was just a friendly text from her daughter

Jumping to conclusions! A US woman thought she was proposing when it was just a friendly text from her daughter

This woman took to Twitter to reveal that her boyfriend had implied it was rude that she didn't say

This woman took to Twitter to reveal that her boyfriend had implied it was rude that she didn’t say “thank god” after he sneezed

This woman took to Twitter to share a hilarious screenshot of her mom asking her why she was smiling because she was laughing over her phone

This woman took to Twitter to share a hilarious screenshot of her mom asking her why she was smiling because she was laughing over her phone

1681729479 435 Funny text errors will help you feel better about your

These two strangers from Ohio, USA, became friends through bad traffic when one texted the other through a car ad on their window