Christian Nodal starts removing tattoos on his face and has a really bad time MUNDO SPORTS

Soon Christian Nodal becomes a fatherso that the wish to be a young father is fulfilled after a year of relationship with cazzu29 year old rapper originally from Argentina who recently gave her last concert to enjoy the rest of herself pregnancy.

Nodal continues his Foraji2 tour where he made a kid cry who wanted to meet him in person; However, the singer knew how to calm him down and demonstrated his vocation as a father.

In fact, the composer announced this a few weeks ago will erase the tattoos you have on your face for your babywho was supposed to be a girl know your face.

A young boy bursts into tears after meeting Christian Nodal in person during a concert. The singer reassures the child and shows that he has a father’s calling


Christian Nodal is in pain after removing tattoos from his face

However, tattoo removal is more painful than it seems. Christian Nodal I thought since it is a long process of 6 to 9 sessions that has just started and that worries him.

On the School of Nothing podcast, Christian said it was painful and exhausting: “For me It hurt a lot more (taking it off) than putting it on; The good thing is that the pain doesn’t take as long to come, it took me about fifteen minutes,” the singer recalled.

And as well as tending to the painful process, Nodal explained that he needs to be careful that the sun doesn’t hit him and that he also needs to apply special creams, things he’s struggled with because he’s reassured he’s still never cared about his face.

Christian Nodal begins to remove the tattoos from his face


Christian Nodal and the consequences after removing the tattoos from his face

And when asked if some of these are already deleted, Nodal explained that he has already had his first session and that he wants to remove the one on his nose, also the rose and everything that appears on his forehead, as well as some glitter in the near the eyebrow

It hurts a lotand what’s left is still clearly visible,” explained the performer of “Adiós amor” as he experienced the first session.

He also recommended being very careful with this type of procedure because it “terrible wounds‘ although they will remain in his case crustsbut the hardest thing for him was the phobia he has injectionsto use to sleep.

And all for rebellion!joked Christian Nodal, who like his girlfriend Cazzu has several tattoos on the rest of his body, one of the most famous being the one he got on his chest when he was dating the singer belindaWell, he has tattooed his eyes, which he turned into wings after the breakup.

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