and passion: Luigi is forced to work with a cuckold and marry Petra TV

Luigi (Rainer Cadete) won’t have the easy life he envisioned when Antônio (Tony Ramos) chose him to rescue Petra (Debora Ozório) in Terra e Paixão to bless his marriage to his youngest daughter and so to move into the world Farm La Selva. However, the rural producer will only approve the connection if the Malandro agrees to work in the cooperative.

The storyline begins airing Tuesday (30th) on Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera. Concerned about Petra’s prescription drug addiction, Luigi asks Irene to move to the farm to stay longer with her friend. Antonio will overhear the conversation and say that they can only live together after marriage.

The scammer will agree and tell you that this is exactly what he wants to propose to his girlfriend’s parents. The farmer then comes up with the idea of ​​asking Tadeu (Claudio Gabriel) for a job for his soninlaw in the cooperative he cofounded. The evil character will accept and work with his lover’s husband, Gladys (Leona Cavalli).

“The cooperative is weak in the sphere of trade,” says the cuckold. Luigi will not understand and Antônio will make his explanation: “The sale of soybeans, corn. You have to be aware of the international conditions, keep an eye on the stock market. There’s no shortage of buyers, but you can’t sell for less than it’s worth. Tadeu will accept the nomination and Luigi will start his new job the next day.

Daniel (Johnny Massaro) and Petra will be surprised that Luigi takes the job since he is a millionaire, but he will find an excuse: “My father is angry with me because I came to Brazil and stayed. My father refuses to help. My father… He doesn’t want me to stay in Brazil anymore… But I want to stay… For Petra”.

Antônio, knowing that his soninlaw is a crook, will pretend to believe and support him provided, of course, that he manages to get Petra off the medication. In this way, Irene will begin to arrange the lovebirds’ engagement, to the chagrin of Gladys, who will be unhappy with her lover. “I do not want to talk to you. You marry. I thought you liked me,” he will say.

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