Bachelor and Patent 2023: philosophy, great oral exams, specialties… Discover the exam calendar in June

The final exams for middle and high school students are just around the corner. In June, the Abitur and patent exams, which are decisive for many young people, take place.

The countdown has started. By the end of June, middle and high school students will have passed these important exams of their school years. The test dates are published on the website of the Ministry of National Education college and high school. We’re taking stock of the calendar.

high-school diploma

The vocational baccalaureate examinations begin on Tuesday 13 June with French, History-Geography and Moral and Civic Education (EMC). The next day will go into more depth with the Prevention, Health and Environment, Business Law and Management exams. On Thursday 15 June there will be organized exams on applied arts and artistic cultures.

About the living languagesThey will take place on June 22nd for Category A and on Friday June 23rd for Category B. The Ministry’s website states that the oral and written parts will take place on the same day if possible.

For the general and technological area, the philosophy test is scheduled for Wednesday June 14th. The preliminary French tests will take place on Thursday 15 June in the morning. THE Great oral sex takes place from June 19th to 30th.

College Diploma

The written exams for the national patent diploma take place at the end of the month. The National Education website says they will be held on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June for the normal session.

The specific modern foreign language tests, to be taken individually by the candidates, will take place on Tuesday 27 June in the afternoon.

And the catch-up hunts?

And if they hope to be spared, some students will need to validate their exams during re-examinations. As for the ferry, they will be organized drop by drop until July 7, 2023.

The ministry’s website states that “results of the Baccalaureate examination will be communicated from Tuesday 4 July 2023”.