Grandkids find deceased grandparents using google maps and get emotional!

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O Google Maps is a geolocation tool with an interesting feature: it records people doing routine activities. This was proven by a heartwarming incident that caused an internet uproar.

Grandson finds grandfather’s picture on Google Maps and causes a commotion online

Andrew Gomes shared an unusual situation on Twitter. When he did a Google Maps search, he found his grandparents’ house on the map and was amazed to see a valuable image.

In the screenshot he saw his grandfather Antônio Gomes at the gate of his home in Gondomar, Porto, a city in Europe.

Andrew remembered going to his grandparents’ house as a child, but after moving to another city, he no longer remembered the exact address.

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Because of this, he decided to search Google Maps and was surprised to find a photo of his grandfather registered at the gate of his home.

The picture caused a stir on social media because Andrew’s grandfather passed away in 2021 after battling Alzheimer’s disease for many years.

Antônio was diagnosed in 1998, but the photo captured by Google Maps dates from 2012, when he was still able to move around safely and walk to the gate of his home.

Google MapsPhoto: Twitter / Playback

The Twitter post received more than 7.8 million views and had a huge impact.

Several people shared similar stories and took screenshots of their grandparents and other relatives outside their homes, sparking a surge of positive sentiment.

Google MapsPhoto: Twitter / Playback

Another user shared a picture of his own grandfather immortalized on Google Maps in the comments on Andrew’s post.

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Google MapsPhoto: Twitter / Playback

Some users have mentioned that Google Maps updates may remove these photos, but it is possible to edit the settings to view older images.

Therefore, the image of Antônio Gomes will always remain in the memory of Google Maps and be seen by all who wish.

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