Denise Bombardier accompanied Celine Dion on tour for a year

Denise Bombardier was very close to Celine Dion and René Angélil for several years. In 2008 and 2009, the author was even able to accompany the star around the planet for a year during her tour. seize opportunities. She had written a biography in which she got to the bottom of the mystery of the “enigmatic Celine”.

• Also read: Denise Bombardier has passed away

• Also read: “Nobody expected it” -Sophie Thibault

• Also read: Death of Denise Bombardier: A cultural monument in Quebec collapses

“Obviously following her like this is extraordinary,” Ms. Bombardier said in an interview with TV5MONDE in May 2009. Also extraordinary is that it’s the first time they give Weiss to someone who’s writing a book.”

  • Listen to the tribute to Denise Bombardier over QUB radio :

“You had to live up to the trust that was placed in me while maintaining a critical distance because I haven’t spent my life in stadiums.” I wasn’t a Céline fan. I think his voice is great and all, but anyway… I’m on the outside, I’m not in the showbiz world.

Denise Bombardier on the red carpet before Celine Dion's show at the Bell Center in Montreal on Sunday, July 31, 2016.

Denise Bombardier on the red carpet before Celine Dion’s show at the Bell Center in Montreal on Sunday July 31, 2016. Photo JOEL LEMAY/AGENCE QMI

in awe

The author admitted that when she was on tour with Celine, she felt “complete admiration,” “especially because I was outspoken, me,” she added. She says she doubted the stadium would be full no matter where they went, be it Japan, Korea, China or Australia. And he was still with tens of thousands of viewers.

  • Listen to Danièle Lorain’s tribute to the Alexandre Dubé show QUB radio:

“I saw that perfectionism and that steely professionalism. Of course I was in a state… But when I sat down in front of my blank sheet [pour écrire le livre L’énigmatique Céline Dion]I think I’ve regained my critical distance. I managed to create an almost political analysis.

Denise Bombardier on the red carpet before Celine Dion's show at the Bell Center in Montreal on Sunday, July 31, 2016.

“The Enigmatic Celine Dion” by Denise Bombardier. QMI Agency

Interview with Celine in Monaco

In the summer of 2008, Denise Bombardier interviewed Céline Dion on behalf of TV5MONDE. The interview, recorded in Monaco, was broadcast in September.

Last year, Marc Labrèche parodied this Dion-Bombardier meeting for his show This Year.

In 2007, the relationship between the two women took a more official turn when Denise Bombardier was invited to write a song for the album D’elles. The concept of this CD aimed to respond to Celine Dion’s legendary album D’eux with Jean-Jacques Goldman. We asked female authors (five from Quebec and five from France) to draft the texts. Ms. Bombardier then offered the lyrics of La Diva. Lise Payette, Janette Bertrand and Marie Laberge also attended.

A new riddle

Last May, in a new column about Celine Dion in Le Journal de Montréal, Denise Bombardier mentioned that the singer had become something of an enigma. “What is she thinking, isolated in the Nevada desert? Who could understand their need and rescue them from this desert darkness? She wrote.

Recalling that 15 years ago she had the opportunity to follow her around the world, the columnist wrote that while she was “aware of her worldwide fame, [elle] born [pouvait] Guess the level of recognition and affection [que la chanteuse] excited on the planet”.

“Does Charlemagne’s granddaughter in Quebec, who became a wealthy and famous world icon, still remember that she was once a champion and conqueror? Did she forget that she was able to overcome that so Québec quality of being born for a small bread and that she made all of Quebec shed, if only for a moment, the pride of being one of his family ?”, added her.