Carmen Russo, a grief that destroys the soul: "It seems impossible…" Metropolis News

Carmen Russo, Grief That HurtsCarmen Russo, grief that hurts_metropolinotizie

Carmen Russo, sadness is still too alive in people’s hearts: the pain entrusted to a social service.

showgirl and dancer, Carmen Russo was one of the icons of the eighties. It’s still popular with small movie audiences today, but then it adapted as the times and the show changed.

Over the years he managed to fill rooms in shows such as to create fifth afternoon and then returned to the limelight thanks to participation in the Big Brother VIP.

Also very popular on social media, Carmen Russo shared that pains what has been tormenting her for two years Death of someone dear to her heart.

Carmen Russo, the pain of grief

Carmen Russo, actress, dancer, singer and showgirl, was one of the most famous showgirls of the 1980s and 1990s. After earning a place on the leading television networks, she was able to work with major figures in Italian entertainment, forming important friendships that continue to this day. One of Carmen Russo’s closest people She just disappeared two years ago and twenty-four months after the grief that hit her, the showgirl wanted to remember one of the icons of our television: Raffaella Carrà.

“Two years have passed…And it seems impossible to me – Carmen Russo wrote on Instagram to a post showing some clips of Carrà’s participation in the Spanish TV show TVE – “Always with us, friend, dear unique woman”. Many applauded the memory of the showgirl Raffaella wanted to pay homage to on the anniversary of her death. Always grateful to her, Russo also released the remix of the song Tuca Tuca in honor of Raffaella Carrà in 2022, almost a year after her disappearance.

Carmen Russo remembers Raffaella CarràCarmen Russo remembers Raffaella Carrà_metropolinotizie

The Death of Raffaella Carrà

It was July 5, 2021 when the announcement of the Death of Raffaella Carrà left everyone speechless. The queen of Italian television had long since disappeared from the scene, preferring to retire to private life and experience the disease, which only a few close friends knew about in absolute secrecy. In May 2020, she was indeed diagnosed with lung cancer, which she passed away within two years.

A funeral procession was organized in Rome to mark his death, reaching some of the most emblematic places of his career, while the funeral was broadcast live on Rai 1 four days after his disappearance.

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