Two young Italians filmed themselves on TikTok bragging about their trickery: they simulate the discomfort of getting a free ambulance ride. Thanks to the video, the Riccione gendarmerie was able to identify the young people. They are prosecuted for “disrupting public service” and “false alarm.”
“I’m an idiot, I shouldn’t have done that,” confessed one of the two youths after being identified by the gendarmes. What are the alleged facts? On Sunday, July 9, two young Italians with no means of transport feigned discomfort as they were taken to their destination by ambulance. The two protagonists filmed and shared their scam on the social network TikTok.
In one day, the scam went viral with over 50,000 views. The caption reads, “When you’re in the country and there’s no public transport,” leaving little doubt as to the nature of their motivations. They therefore contact the emergency services, to whom they assure that one of them has passed out from sunstroke, laughing at the situation.
All the adventures of their simulation are filmed, from the call for help to the ambulance ride to the seaside town of Riccione in Emilia-Romagna (Northeast).
After arriving at the emergency room, the two youths left the facility after a few minutes, according to the ANSA agency. The 19 and 20-year-olds were finally identified thanks to their video by the Riccione gendarmes. The Emilia-Romagna Health Department has lodged a complaint. The two Italians are therefore being prosecuted for “interruption of public service” and “false alarm”.