Chronic sewer blockages: Charlesbourg residents without appeal –

Charlesbourg residents say they are running out of compensation after repeated canal jams. They are asking the City of Quebec to find a solution to prevent this problem from reoccurring.

Due to the rain of the last few days, this problem has arisen again for several owners in the area. But they fear witnessing it again unless the city takes action on the matter.

“Every time it rains a little, we’re afraid of having water in the basement,” said a local resident.

For the third time in 12 years, this Charlesbourg resident suffered a sewage backlog this week. The city’s infrastructure is believed to be the cause of the situation.

“In the middle of summer, it was the torrential rains that were to blame. But every time it’s the same problem that causes it. My house has nothing to be ashamed of. Experts and my own insurance companies tell me that my house is perfect and that the problem lies with the city,” she explains.

A few streets down, at Trycia Albert, the observation is the same.

“The water is coming in and we can’t control it and they say there’s nothing to do, it doesn’t make sense, we can’t live like this.” The city is unable to provide the sewers and is blocking everything in the house. We have a lot of neighbors and it’s the same 8 blocks away,” she explains.

This couple, who have lived at rue des éperviers for 37 years, expect the damage to be at least $20,000.

“We will make a big request to the city. Our insurance doesn’t pay for everything, the city has to pay the rest,” explains the owner.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against the city.

“The whole Duscheneau stream down to Henri Bourassa who follows the stream is everyone having problems like this,” says one man.

The Quebec City opposition is calling on the government to take action: “We know there have been developments in recent years, we need to improve our infrastructures in Quebec City, but it is always a question of money that government will have to do it.” also make a contribution.”

The City of Quebec states that no work is planned in this sector, but that it is continuing its assessment in order to intervene in the right place.