Federica Sciarelli: “I don’t understand who is leaving Rai. When Salvini attacked me, I answered, not me…

“A lot of fake news is read on social networks: I was never escorted to the door. “Who saw it?” It is considered a flagship by everyone: right and left. I’m like a fortress: I don’t annoy others and I don’t annoy myself.” Federica Sciarelli She gets straight to the point and doesn’t tell her colleagues directly. Or rather, former colleagues. “If you really think your research is strategic and in jeopardy, don’t go ahead: you stay and fight. I don’t understand who is leaving. Also, as a journalist you are not put under any pressure: you hang up the phone,” he commented in an interview with La Stampa. The reference obviously refers to Lucia Annunziata, Fabio Fazio, and Bianca Berlinguer and all the other faces of Viale Mazzini who, with the new course in Rai by Meloni, have decided to move to other networks. “I too was under pressure – stresses Sciarelli – but they were always public. I think, for example, of the attacks of the league during the Covid period or of Salvini when he denied the carabiniere slap years ago. Each time I have responded publicly on the matter.”.

Then the moderator also turns on the Facci case: “Being right or left has nothing to do here.” The point is that if You are a Rai face, you must be institutional: you represent public service. I myself (who is also a Pierina!) pay attention to the messages I send and take a step back when it comes to talking about my private life or my political views, for example. The managers will decide that. Let’s, though The last word will belong to the spectator. When asked about Samarkand, Andreotti replied: “But if he wants, the viewer can change the channel.”

Federica Sciarelli, on the other hand, knows this very well: her historic show not only boasts a passionate and loyal audience, but also has ratings thanks to its ability to attract new viewers. Just look around Auditel data of the final episode of ‘Chi l’ha visto?’, aired on Wednesday 12 July: its airing was controversial in prime time Head to head with Rai 1. The film “The Taste of Success” actually registered 1,856,000 viewers and a market share of 13.2%, while Sciarelli’s broadcast on Rai3 reached 1,831,000 viewers with a market share of 13.4%.

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