and passion: Berenice reciprocates Irene’s “Greek gift” by breaking into the La Selva mansion and…


Antônio’s lover will be furious and retaliate against the family matriarch in an unusual way

Photos: Reproduction/Rede GloboPhotos: Reproduction/Rede Globo

In Terra e Paixão, the audience knows what Antônio La Selva’s (Tony Ramos) wife can be capable of. Although she tried to finish off Aline (Bárbara Reis), she ended up finding another opponent that she couldn’t destroy either.

Irene (Gloria Pires) is the matriarch of the family and tries to maintain her tough attitude, usually by giving orders to the people who work with her. One of those requests was for the family’s henchman who does the “dirty work” of keeping the shop in order and getting everyone out of the way.

Ramiro (Amaury Lorenzo) was commissioned by Petra’s mother (Débora Ozório) to put a poisonous animal in Berenice’s (Thati Lopes) closet after discovering that Antônio was cheating on him with Cândida’s alleged niece (Susana Vieira).

The terror will infuriate Berenice. By squeezing Kelvin (Diego Martins), she learns that the animal was placed on the orders of the villain, who gets the snake back. “I’ll deal with her myself. Cascavel is not afraid of piranhas.” Berenice takes the snake to the La Selva mansion and releases the animal in the living room. “He sent me a present. I came to return”.