e Paixão: Fearing her marriage will be ruined, Irene orders Caio’s mother to “get ready” after she suspects…


La Selva’s nowwife is shocked at the news that the deceased may still be alive.

Photos: Reproduction/Rede GloboPhotos: Reproduction/Rede Globo

In Terra e Paixão, Irene (Glória Pires) does everything in her power to get rid of anyone who might harm her plans, and it seems that it will be no different if her husband’s exwife is really alive. In the chapters, which are expected to be shown between July 24th and 31st, Agatha (played by Bianca Bin in the first phase and allegedly quoted by Eliane Giardini in the second) will once again disrupt Irene’s life.

Caio (Cauã Reymond) will find out that his mother may still be alive and will immediately run to break the news to Antônio (Tony Ramos), who will be stunned. The farmer doesn’t believe what he heard from his son and tells his nowwife that his exwife might still be alive, which terrifies Irene at the revelation.

Fearing that the return of the dead wife will invalidate their marriage, the villain immediately hatches a plan to get rid of Caio’s mother. The matriarch of La Selva will offer Nice (Alexandra Richter) a large sum of money to get rid of Agatha if she shows up in town again.

Later this week, Jonatas (Paulo Lessa) will decide to fight for the love of Aline (Bárbara Reis), despite knowing that Caio is also committed to winning the girl’s heart. Soon the two will also discover that they are brothers as Agatha had an affair with Gentil (Flávio Bauraqui).