Bianca Berlinguer at Mediaset doubles her salary: this is how much she will earn

From Cartabianca to “Leave and double” the step is very short. As Bianca Berlinguer does 600 thousand. At least for this summer neither followers nor viewers. But money. In fact, it is the economic deal that will bind the journalist of Sardinian origin to Mediaset for the next television season, for over three decades the main face of RaiTre and Tg3, of which she was also a director between 2009 and 2016.

Seven seasons ended in a polemical tone from Bianca, who in the farewell editorial contribution at the time did not target the then Prime Minister Matteo Renzi too veiled. Resentments put in the freezer by the two protagonists and withdrawn (by Renzi) precisely on the occasion of Berlinguer’s transition from Rai to Mediaset. The details have been speculated about for the past two weeks, and numbers immediately skyrocketed. So much so that Renzi of the Riformista columns, of which he has been editor-in-chief for several months, teased Berlinguer about the contract issue. And she countered in the columns of the hated (by Renzi) Fatto Quotidiano that she would not have accepted any moral lessons from the former prime minister on this particular issue. One after the other, ball in the middle with Renzi’s lawsuit against the former director of Rg3.

Also read: Mediaset, Gerini to Gf ​​​​Vip: “Flattered, but…”: the answer to Pier Silvio Berlusconi

THE LAW OF SEVEN – But after leaving the news seven years ago, Berlinguer made the then less traumatic choice of not abandoning the company she grew up in, which on the contrary offered her a space that in turn became a cult. on Tuesday evening with Cartabianca. An explanatory title for the freedom the journalist, playfully using her first name, asked for and received for another seven years. Seven, an obviously impressive number for Bianca. Of crisis, but also of references to a biblical perfection, the seven, which Berlinguer obviously feels particularly. And now Pier Silvio will also hear from him, in the hope that the forecasts of the media centers, which Klaus Davi reports punctually on Libero, will be true.

That would mean Berlinguer’s new prime time program, again on Tuesday night, would bring a highly coveted transfer of a 2% stake from the third Rai network to Rete4, definitely bypassing that very 7% media share and seriously undermining the competitor of all time , Giovanni Floris with his DiMartedì on La7. A complex but not impossible task when it comes to a moderator with such strong negotiating power. And what Mediaset was dying to bet to convince them.

PETER, YOUR INHERITANCE? – In fact, Bianca seems to have excavated the fortress of Cologno Monzese long before the Auditel. This is confirmed by Dagospia, who assures that Berlinguer’s signature on the contract that formalized the agreement with the Berlusconi family television channels would go hand in hand with the guarantee of her position (she was a manager at Rai after having been director of Tg3 for a long time ). . All at a value that should be around twice the salary cap imposed by Rai. Share that reaches a maximum of 240,000 euros for top positions.
Dun ue about 600,000 euros.

Also read: Pier Silvio Berlusconi, the harsh law on Mediaset: “Those who no longer want to watch”

A nice touch then (he will also lead two programs) for the heir to the PCI’s most popular secretary, who since the handshake with Pier Silvio Berlusconi, has brought home a very good deal, both economically and professionally. On the other hand, no one had any doubt that the fee could be very convincing, knowing the corporate policy of the Berlusconi house since the times of Patriarch Silvio and caring if he wanted someone (be it a footballer, a TV presenter or a newspaper director) , to get it with contracts and good money. A successful venture even for the eldest heir, who, with Bianca Berlinguer, forms the strangest and most intriguing couple of this hot telemarket summer.

And if in Naples, during the presentation of the Rai programs (seven days ago at the public event where state television still had no official replacement for Berlinguer), the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, had broken every possible fair play , who the passage of bianca from raia mediaset defined as a sonorous rip-off, to date in rai more than one voice would like that to end up in the position berlinguer was on tuesday night could be the director of the fatto quotidiano online, Peter Gomez, already highly valued as an interviewer for the Nine at the head of “La Confessione” and particularly valued by the former Prime Minister Conte. To transform the third channel “no longer TeleKabul”, according to the new management, into a field of mediation and communication, which can always be useful in politics (and in Rai) when you can’t gamble too much for money. Finally, the stock will tell the ultimate truth. But that will really be the new season.