reporter reveals he suffered from ‘depression and financial failure’ Forum Magazine

Posted in MEDIA on 20230723 8:46 p.m

reporter out globe, Maria Candida has just published his second book titled “Generation Ageless: Wolves”based on their experiences between the ages of 40 and 50, which they felt were not easy.

Maria presents the pictures “Wellness in Menopause”In the MeetIt is “Curious Saturday”In the It’s from homeboth Globo attractions.

At the age of 52, she revealed details of her difficult phase: “I had the famous midlife crisis. I felt old, in a derogatory way. I was in this place and I didn’t know how to get out of it.. This entire renaissance process took place in the last ten years. In the midst of these changes, I quit my formal job, When my marriage ended, there was a depression and financial collapse. Several things happened. I felt ugly, fat, I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror” the journalist explained in an interview with the Play column of the O Globo newspaper.

The change only happened when she reinvented herself professionally. Maria admitted she got lost over the course of her 30year career and needed to get back on her feet. In addition, he stressed that he lives currently your best moment at work.

Maria Cândida Disclosure

I heard so many ‘no’s’ but felt like I still had so much to give. When I started my work on Instagram [como influenciadora], I got a call from Globo. At that moment I returned to the station where I had started as a reporter. Today I feel very free, but in the past I have often heard that “my time has passed”. This is undoubtedly the best professional moment of my life.”

“It’s like it’s a connection to everything I’ve always been but with the power of my maturity. Maturity brings you a security and strength that you don’t have at 20 or 25. Because that comes from the experiences you have. When you get here, you know that no matter what, you’ll definitely be able to handle it,” Maria added.