Marcelo Ebrard: “My appeal is not to the President, Morena has to make decisions and we hope that she will do it.”

Morena’s presidential campaign is hot and in the final sprint. Less than two weeks before it is clear who will accept the candidacy of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s party, the party with the most votes in Mexico, all political reflectors have turned back to Marcelo Ebrard. The former secretary of state sparked the controversy by denouncing several irregularities in the team of Claudia Sheinbaum, his main rival in the internal dispute, whom he accused of a dirty war against him, favored by the Welfare Secretariat and using public funds from the government of Ciudad de Mexico wants advance his election campaign. The same week that the final details of the poll that will determine the winner were finalized, what seemed a mere formality turned into a difficult negotiation for the party leadership when Ebrard’s representative refused to sign, according to the pollsters’ draw in charge of the process . In the eye of the hurricane, as it looks like a tense calm reigns before the moment of truth, the former Secretary of State speaks exclusively to EL PAÍS about his relationship with López Obrador and Sheinbaum, what is behind the alleged irregularities and how he is dealing with the crucial days for his presidential ambitions in 2024.

― Is it now or never for Marcelo Ebrard?

“Well, you never know, right? You see that the age of politicians is lengthening significantly. Saying never might be too drastic, but now is the time. I have no reason to think of anyone else.

Ebrard has less than two hours in Puerto Vallarta, one of the final stops he will make on his tours across the country. His team is preparing the latest details for the Marcelo Fest, a major event with hundreds of supporters who have followed him across the country and a new nod to young people, the age group in which he claims he has the most voters. The ex-secretary takes refuge from the fierce midday heat of the Mexican Pacific in a small, air-conditioned meeting room, the room set up in a hotel for media talks, and suppresses an indescribable tiredness – “You can’t imagine that perform “Be tired” – in a small glass of coffee.

Morena’s six Corcholatas and their allied parties have been in contention for more than two months, but Ebrard and Sheinbaum have dropped out of the squad and have been in the top flight for weeks, according to most polls. The former chancellor wanted to set the pace of the competition from the start. He was the first to resign from office, registering, pressuring the Morena leadership to demand an “equal floor” and making proposals to the public, despite the precautions imposed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) to to try to regulate an “equal floor” atypical competition and outside of the conditions set out in the electoral law.

Marcelo Ebrard during an interview for EL PAÍS. Marcelo Ebrard during an interview for EL PAÍS. RODRIGO OROPEZA

As recently as Friday, the former secretary went to the INE to pay a 10,000 pesos fine for presenting the Angel plan and its security strategy, and also traveled to Tepic, the capital of neighboring Nayarit state. Along the way, Ebrard, as all applicants have tried, tried to show his most affable and smiling face: he rode around in his electric vocho, he milked cows, he fished and he danced. “You have to have a bit of fun and be more playful, politics changes very quickly,” he says. Ebrard assures that the “more solemn and stuffy” versions of the candidates are based on a traditional vision and that “people want something different now”.

― Do you have to learn to laugh at yourself to campaign in Mexico?

“They should, although there seem to be some who seem to suffer greatly.”

On this Saturday, however, the former chancellor is much more serious. His gesture is rigid, he measures his words and tries to avoid new controversies, although he supports his criticism.

– You asked very tough questions about inequality in the race for Claudia Sheinbaum’s favor. Why have you waited until now?

― Because we hadn’t experienced an operation like that in the last two weeks.

Ebrard’s remarks led to all sorts of readings and interpretations. The former chancellor says the traps surfaced because he is ahead in the polls. Some analysts say the opposite: that he’s doing it because the numbers don’t speak for him. “Then why should I do it, I ask you,” he asks. “As an electoral strategy, I don’t think that would be a very good idea. First, they said it was a breakout strategy. Makes no sense. Others said it was a strategy to increase the number of votes. Neither,” he argues.

Ebrard advocates that the populace should be free to choose their candidate and that there should be no attempt to get dirty, especially as his team’s polls show nearly a third of citizens remain undecided about the bottle caps. “The goal is to cripple any of these initiatives because there is always a temptation [recurrir a viejas prácticas]”It’s the snake’s egg,” he explains. Shortly thereafter, he returns to the question and insists on his point of view. “Why now? Because we’re two weeks away and it’s the right time to act,” he notes.

“The underlying problem is that Morena has to make decisions. We hope that she will do this to prevent something like this from happening,” she comments. Following Ebrard’s questions, MP Emmanuel Reyes Carmona announced that formal complaints are being prepared against Health Secretary Ariadna Montiel’s actions. The former secretary pointed out that there are brigades of officials promoting Sheinbaum, saying social support will disappear if she doesn’t win. Jorge Álvarez Máynez, deputy of the Movimiento Ciudadano, also appealed to the INE. For his part, Ebrard says he has already submitted the formal statement to the party and will await their decision to see whether to refer it to other bodies. Since Morena came to power, there has been a series of electoral crimes that constitute serious violations of the law.

Marcelo Ebrard in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.Marcelo Ebrard in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. RODRIGO OROPEZA

– In relation to what you say about the Welfare Secretariat, do you think that it acted behind the President’s back?

“I very much doubt that the President approved these things. I know him very well. We have been working together for 24 years. Makes no sense. So that? How for? I don’t think he promotes or encourages that in any way. But in this secretariat, you have to be careful about what happens.

López Obrador ruled out “manipulation” at the competition and called for order without naming names. “There is no personal or group interest here that overrides the interest of the people. “There is no place for vulgarly ambitious people, here they fight for ideals, for principles,” he said.

― How do you interpret the President’s words?

– He takes a position where he says that the whole government has to respect the process and that he has no information that anything else is happening. And asks Morena for determination. He says, “I don’t even have to put up with it.” All right. The appeal I am making is not addressed to the President but to Morena. And I don’t think the President would take action in this process if he wanted to. Why should you conduct a survey?

“Well, the President has a very important weight in the movement.

“Yes, but he’s not the one running the movement.

Ebrard says his relationship with López Obrador is very good. After leaving the cabinet last June, both have agreed not to speak until the internal process is complete. They said goodbye and he wished him luck in the race, says the former secretary. Nor have they spoken about the disagreements that arose between the applicants. “I believe that the President should not be a body that is supposed to regulate these things, that’s what Mario Delgado, Citlalli Hernández and Alfonso Durazo are for, because they run the party and the process,” he adds. He also states that his relationship with all candidates for the candidacy, including Sheinbaum, is very good. The former head of government called the allegations “false” and appealed to her colleagues to remain united.

― Hasn’t what happened this week affected your relationship with Sheinbaum?

“I don’t know, it’s really hard to know. But that’s not why I’m going to stop saying what’s happening. The end does not justify all means.

Tensions were carried over to the meeting where the drawing of lots for the four companies responsible for the “mirror polls” took place and where the representatives of Ebrard, Adán Augusto López and Ricardo Monreal showed inconsistencies with the results they had predicted in other elections. Each applicant proposed two pollsters they trusted at registration, with the exception of Gerardo Fernández Noroña. “We don’t know anything about the survey. They called us to the draw, the draw took place and they told us: “What do you think?” With sadness, but you will not be there. “Neither of the two we suggested are left,” he replies when asked about his team’s concerns. Monreal on Friday offered to replace the house he was proposing with Ebrard’s to prevent the controversy from growing. It was a way out of disagreements.

– Are the tensions over?

– Well, the tension came on Friday. So I think it’s over.

― Do you trust the process then?

“I think if we manage to fend off another attempt like this, the poll should have no trouble. All we’re saying is let the people decide. That’s all.

A few hours after the interview, Delgado considered the polling lottery debate over. “It’s normal that in this competition, which is real, that it’s not a simulation like those in front, then suddenly there are jerks and friction, but nothing that happens to the majors,” said the leader. The tone of his statements was heard on the phones of reporters attending the press conference Ebrard offered, the first act of his public agenda in Vallarta. “They look scared, smiling, everything will be fine,” joked a girl who led a group of 17 young people who waited in front of the cameras to receive him.

Marcelo Ebrard poses for a portrait in Puerto Vallarta. Marcelo Ebrard poses for a portrait in Puerto Vallarta. RODRIGO OROPEZA

“Good day how are you? “We have a lot of suggestions and suggestions, hopefully we don’t get penalized,” Ebrard joked as he entered the room. He reappeared smiling, greeted each of the boys, and patiently answered the list of questions from the past few days: the INE fine, the allegations against Sheinbaum, the pollster controversy, and the versions predicting his departure. to Citizen Movement. “I’m not saying her, but there are many people in Claudia’s team who believe that it would be most convenient for them if I go to the Movimiento Ciudadano because there they would have two advantages. One of them is to significantly reduce internal competition (…) And the other is that the sympathies I have don’t cross over to the other side [Frente Amplio por México]but to another party,” he commented in the interview.

― Are you tired of being asked about the Citizens’ Movement?

– No, well, everyone can think and say freely, right? But it was an insistence. The implied is why you don’t get better. Why am I leaving when we’re winning?

― Do you see this as a strategy of attrition?

– Also. Saying that when I’m with the right and others.

The press conference at the Vallarta Convention Center ends after ten questions from the media and a rallying cry from the boys: “We’re going to win, we’re going to win!” “Who’s ready to receive Marcelo? Let’s ask the DJ to put on a little dog so we can receive him!” asks the presenter of the Marcelo Fest animatedly in a huge hall. According to the organizers, Gasolina, Tusa and Ven Báilalo explode from the loudspeakers to ease fears and shorten the wait of 1,500 boys. “I want to hear their cheers, I want to hear their screams!” says the cheerleader before announcing the arrival of the person they were planning to visit.

The applicant enters to the rhythm of “Can’t take my eyes off you” by Gloria Gaynor, which is drowned out by the clamor of the crowd and a samba batucada that sounds like a carnival. Ebrard stayed in the press room, it’s Marcelo celebrating everywhere. The laser lights cover a stage in the shape of a cross, the children put on masks with the face of the carnal, the relay war begins and the ladies emotionally raise the banners and flags while the winner signs autographs, shakes hands and shares selfies. “It won’t be the last party, it will be the first. “We will have one at the National Palace for those who want to come,” he says, moved by the speeches and applause.

― Will Ebrard vote “yes” or “yes” in 2024?

We will win the poll. If you let people make their own decisions, we have very good chances.

– What if he doesn’t win?

I prefer to think so. The person who constantly talks about what they will do if they don’t win then questions their results. We’re just thinking about how to stop any kind of pressure on people. For example, I would tell them that the President wants it to be Claudia.

– Do you have nerves?

– No, enthusiasm.

Marcelo Ebrard in Jalisco.Marcelo Ebrard in Jalisco.rodrigo oropeza

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