Donny Neyra’s son is leaving the Copa Perú for a club in the exotic European league

new directions. Donny Neyra is remembered by many fans for his performances in Peruvian football in the Alianza Lima and Universitario jerseys. Although the popular “Bidón” has already retired from professional life, his son, João Neyra de Pinho, Following in his footsteps, he has just been announced as the new signing of KF Delvina from the Albanian third division.

Unlike his father, who played as an attacking midfielder, Joao occupies the position of centre-back and tries his luck in the Copa Peru. His last team was San Lorenzo de Porococha. This will make the 23-year-old centre-back the third footballer to arrive in the Balkans.

    Joao Neyra comes from the Peru Cup.  Photo: Twitter

Joao Neyra comes from the Peru Cup. Photo: Twitter

It should be noted that another market that showed interest in the Inca representatives was Latvian football. Gustavo Dulanto and Luis Iberico are members of Riga FC in this country.

Which other Peruvian football players have been signed by Albanian clubs?

In the last few hours it has been announced that footballers Carlos Nazayro Rivas (23-year-old winger) and Sebastián La Torre (24-year-old forward) have been signed by FK Kukesi from the Albanian Super League (First Division).

    Sebastián La Torre played for clubs like Cantolao and César Vallejo.  Photo: Twitter

Sebastián La Torre played for clubs like Cantolao and César Vallejo. Photo: Twitter

In the former case, he wore the jerseys of institutions such as Academia Cantolao, César Vallejo, Sport Chavelines, Alianza Atlético, Unión Comercio, Unión Huaral, Universidad San Martín and Santos FC de Nazca. For his part, Nazayro spent almost his entire career in amateur football and his last squad was Sport Áncash.