Exclusive: Faustão: Presenter’s son updates health status Splash

“After a heart transplant performed last Sunday (08/27) at the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital, Fausto Silva was extubated this morning and is breathing unaided. The patient is conscious, speaks normally, and has good cardiac function. He remains in intensive care.”

What happened?

Fausto Silva had been in the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo since August 5 and underwent surgery on August 27 to get a new heart.. The presenter was on dialysis and needed medication to support his heartbeat, which put him on the priority list.

According to Einstein, the São Paulo State Transplant Center contacted the hospital in the early hours of this Sunday to inform the presenter about the heart to be transplanted. After assessing the compatibility of the organ, the operation was performed, which lasted about 2 hours and 30 minutes.

According to the Transplant Center of the State of São Paulo, in the early hours of yesterday the system located twelve patients who met the requirements for a transplant. However, Faustão ranked second among priority cases.

Luciana Cardoso, 46, Faustão’s wife, posted an open letter of thanks on social media: “As is typical of the family, we remained silent until the hospital stay became public. At first we thought that disease preservation and the need for transplantation would be the best option. Once again, things took a different turn and the transplant was announced on the radio. With the transparency that is characteristic of us, we have confirmed the news.”