At Chain Reaction, Flavio and Andrea scream across the field, but Anna doesn’t block the play: Liorni intervenes

At Chain Reaction, the Neapolitan participants of the group “I mammata e tu” put a smile on the spectators’ faces: Andrea and Flavio shouted the word “Pass” during “The Winning Understanding” to Anna, who couldn’t remember, pressed the red button to have to stop the game. Marco Liorni broke the moment of tension.

At Chain Reaction Flavio and Andrea scream across the field

The episode from a few minutes ago with “I mammata e tu”, the group of chain reaction who was in the studio with the champions of the competition this eveningThe Tarallini. The trio consists of Flavio, Andrea and Anna and something went wrong for them during the game “The Winning Understanding”.

The episode of I Mom and You on Chain Reaction

The two young men Andrea and Flavio had to get Signora Anna, Andrea’s mother and Flavio’s aunt, to guess the word cream puff But when they decided to skip the same word, something went wrong. Andrea and Flavio shouted “Out,” but Anna didn’t remember pressing the red button, so she stood motionless, waiting for the game to end. Not wanting to waste precious seconds, her son and nephew called out as they approached her. Marco Liorni intervened and, after pressing the red button, turned to the young people: “The step has to be said out loud, of course that seemed like a scolding to me.”

The Tarallini are the champions in the race after the elimination of Dai and Dai

In the episode of Reazione a Catena i. from August 28th Tarallini they managed to defeat them come on and come on and win the championship title in the race. Marco Voir, Simone Costagliola and Simone Mariottini So they had to leave the studio, shortly afterwards they greeted and thanked the viewers on Instagram with a post that received numerous likes and comments. “We thank you all for welcoming us into your homes during this incredible month of August. Aware of this responsibility, we have tried to be correct, honest and enthusiastic at all times, thanking viewers and authors for this privilege. We will remember each one. “Team with affection, challenger, every medal, every successful connection and every kind word you reserved for us in person and online,” the words accompanying an image captured throughout the experience in the program has been recorded.