“I only debate candidates, Milei says of his opponent’s minister

Bullrich announced a name for Economy if he wins; According to Milei, “it is very poor in terms of economic analysis”

Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei said Thursday (31 August 2023) that he would not discuss his ideas with economist Carlos Melconian, who has been announced as economy minister by his opponent Patricia Bullrich, if she wins the Oct. 22 election.

“I’m arguing with the presidential candidates, don’t lower my price,” Milei told reporters at an event quoted by Argentine newspaper Clarín. He previously gave an interview to a radio station in which he stated: “I understand that Bullrich is very bad at economic analysis, has made really serious mistakes and that people are very afraid of what it can do.”

In a speech when he was appointed Minister of Economy in a possible Bullrich government, Melconian spoke of a “resilient plan” for Argentina that would “restore the horizon”. He also said the proposal was “realistic,” “feasible,” and “implementable,” but did not provide details.

The economist explained that his plan targets “the ethics and morals of governments to initiate a profound change that will fundamentally transform the functioning of Argentina’s economy, with different incentives than the current ones”.

Patricia Bullrich Luro Pueyrredon, known as the Argentine Iron Lady, has a degree in Humanities and Social Sciences with a concentration in Communication from the University of Palermo. He holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in political science from the University of San Martín.

She is currently President of the Propuesta Republicana, which is part of the Juntos por el Cambio (in Portuguese: Together for Change) coalition. Bullrich was deputy for Buenos Aires from 1993 to 1997 and from 2007 to 2015. She also served as Minister of Labor (20002001), Minister of Social Security (2001) and Minister of Security (20152019).

Among her most important campaign proposals is that the former minister promises her voters a “strong hand” against crime and corruption and the strengthening of the Argentine armed forces. It also brings with it strong antiPeronist rhetoric.

As for his economic plan, Bullrich says he intends to reduce government spending, remove currency controls and conduct a review of Argentina’s tax and financial laws to simplify the financial structure. It also supports a system in which Argentine pesos and dollars are used together in the economy.

In the polls on voting intentions, she is in third place, behind Milei and the current economy minister Sergio Massa.

Javier Gerardo Milei is 52 years old, has a degree in economics and led the primary elections on August 13, 2023 with 30.4% of the vote in the dispute for the presidency of Argentina. He is on the right side of the ideological political spectrum and represents liberal ideas about the economy. He advocates closing the country’s central bank, abolishing the peso and using the U.S. dollar as the local currency.

The candidate is running for Casa Rosada through the “La Libertad Avanza” (in Portuguese: Advances in Freedom) coalition. Milei defines himself as an “anarchocapitalist” and “libertarian” he is against state intervention in society and advocates the system of the free market. He says his program is a “chainsaw” to cut public spending. He claims that global warming is a lie, supports the sale of organs and defends the noncompulsory and private education system.