Fausto Silva’s heart donor needed ‘donations’ for funeral .com

The general balance sheet of Record TV, this week interviewed José Pereira da Silva, the player’s father, who reportedly donated his heart to presenter Fausto Silva. The 35yearold athlete named Fábio Cordeiro lived on the coast of São Paulo and died as a result of a stroke.

According to his father, Fábio’s friends have launched a “fundraiser” to guarantee the player’s funeral:

“When I started organizing [o velório e enterro dele]“The friends had already done everything,” said José Pereira.

“Fábio was a very good boy for me. He never gave any work. He was a hard worker. But that’s life, isn’t it?” his father explained. “Everything points to it being the heart.” [para o Faustão]. Based on the time the helicopter landed there, I believe it was. We were actually happy, very happy, because Faustão was always a very good person, a very helpful person. I myself have seen Faustão many times.”

Watch the interview featured on the show: