In Panama, opposition to a mining contract is growing

According to the call adopted at a recent meeting of the leaders of the People’s United Alliance for Life groups, the demonstrators will leave the Belisario Porras Park in this capital in the afternoon of next Tuesday towards the National Assembly (Parliament) to demand that the MPs reject this pact, which is now the subject of a first debate.

The Secretary General of the Construction Workers’ Union, Saúl Méndez, who read the initiatives, also pointed out that similar initiatives would be added to the national walk in the provinces of Chiriquí and Coclé; also in the central region of Azuero.

On the other hand, he announced that starting Monday, the groups will hold rallies and demonstrations in their workplaces and communities to reject the Leonin Pact, which harms national sovereignty.

Méndez also explained that the independent presidential candidate, the economist Maribel Gordón, and a group of lawyers will file an appeal with the Supreme Court next Thursday for contempt of the subsidiary of the Canadian transnational corporation First Quantum for continuing to exploit copper in the city of Donoso, too in view of the declaration of unconstitutionality of the pact, which has been registered since 2017.

For environmental groups, the problem, beyond the state’s millions in revenue from the presence of Minera Panamá, lies in the environmental and environmental damage that this agreement inflicts on the Isthmus land, as it threatens the lives of native communities and their biodiversity in the area in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.

On this subject, another spokesman for the Alianza Pueblo Unidos por la Vida, Marcos Andrade, confirmed to Prensa Latina that the demonstrations in the streets against this text will be permanent.

The Secretary General of the National Confederation of Independent Trade Unions also denounced that the pact not only involves concessions to foreign companies and impacts on the area where the copper mine is located, but also endangers almost half of the national territory, leading to plundering of the natural Resources.
