Who is Uğur Günes, aka Yilmaz from Terra Amara: Age, Personal Life and Wife MovieTele.it

Bitter earth is the soap opera of records Channel 5: broadcast by 2022catalyzes in front of the screen every day more than two million on average of viewers as far as the company is concerned Cologno Monzese very high proportions. Thanks to an exciting and well-constructed story and the skill of the actors who embody the many characters at the center of the action. Among the most popular, Yılmazthe former mechanic fell in love Zuleyhanow married to Demir, with whom he also had a daughter. The Turkish actor gives the character a face Uğur Güneswho, at home, He has appeared in numerous films and television dramas.

Terra Amara, who is that? Uğur Günes, interpreter of Yılmaz

Ugurwhich is very well known in Turkey and now also enjoys fame in our country Born in Ankara in 1987. After graduating with a degree in History, Geography and Languages, he decided to pursue his passion by studying acting at Hacettepe University and obtaining his second degree. He then moved to Istanbul to start his career as an interpreter. Debuted in 2011 in the role of Eray in fiction Yeniden Basla.

For him it is the beginning of one successful career: In the following years he was in great demand and took part in other productions, for example in the 2013 film Şeytan-ı Racimthe TV series Diriliş Ertuğrul between 2015 and 2016 and fiction İsimsizler, like Kaymakam Fatih, to name a few. In the 2018Then comes the turning point when he is chosen to interpret Yılmaz Akkaya In Bir Zamanlar Cukurova (Once upon a time Cukurova, original title of the series Bitter earth).

He saw the series Protagonist from 2018 to 2021and after he came to us the following year, it also brought him unexpected fame in Italy. At home, for the last two years, Uğur starred in other famous dramas: From 2021 to 2022 he played Davut Karaman Kanunsuz Topraklar and since 2023 he has been working in films Serçenin Gözyaşı And Dumlupınar: Vatan Sağolsun, also an actor in the drama series In Sancak in the role of military man Ali Banazlı.

Uğur Günes: his personal life and where we will see him again soon

Previously they were attributed to the young man’s flirtation Hilal AltinbilekActress who plays Züleyha and singer Reyhan Cansu, but they are not was never confirmed. At the moment it is like this singlesand as he has emphasized in previous interviews, he is looking for a partner who is sensitive, mature and confident without being self-centered.

Uğur himself, together with Murat ÜnalmışInterpreter of Demir Yamanwill be a guest by Verissimohosted by Silvia ToffaninSaturday September 16, 2023. For the artist who is all in these days Milan, in all likelihood to record the episode of the show. But It’s not the first time who takes part in the show as the main character of the very popular telenovela.