Superenalotto and Lotto today Tuesday, September 19th: the winning six IL DAY

Milan, September 19, 2023 – The hunt for the jackpot continues, which has eluded those trying their luck at the Superenalotto since June 10th, when a prize worth over 42 million euros was won in Teramo (with a 1 euro ticket). But the wheel of fortune isn’t smiling tonight either: no 6 or 5+1, but three “5s”. The jackpot available for the next draw increases 57.7 million.


The winning line-up: 11 89 41 86 9 52

Placeholder number: 36

Number of Superstars: 9



Points 6:0

Points 5+1: 0

5 points: 6 for 32,408.25 euros

4 points: 633 for 312.17 euros

3 points: 26,661 for 22.34 euros

Points 2: 404,639 for 5 euros


6 stars (super bonus of the first category): 0

5+1 star (second category super bonus): 0

5 stars: 1 for 810,206.25 euros

4 stars: 5 for 31,217 euros

3 stars: 279 for 2,234 euros

2 stars: 3,619 per 100 euros

1 star: 18,880 for 10 euros

0 stars: 31,171 for 5 euros

Prize money is available for the next 6: 57.7 million euros


BARI 15 70 1 89 40

CAGLIARI 1 40 21 72 54

FLORENCE 27 86 3 31 63

GENOA 79 45 46 21 85

MILAN 66 36 6 12 87

NAPLES 1 6 2 4 66

PALERMO 7656 48 52 50

ROME 13 16 44 11 32

TURIN 49 6 7 43 19

VENICE 71 18 27 10 51

NATIONAL 30 37 62 21 52

10eLotto 01 03 06 13 15 16 18 21 27 36 40 45 49 56 66 70 71 76 79 86

Gold number: 15

Double Gold: 15 70