iOS 17 now recognizes your animals. How to identify them –

Among the new features of iOS and iPadOS 17, there is one that we particularly like: the function that allows us to identify our pets in the Photos app. Basically, our dogs and cats are now recognized by the app, which, among other things, allows it to offer us each of them their own album. We explain how to activate the function.

Every year there are new features when Apple releases the new version of its operating system.

iOS 17 brings facial recognition for dogs and cats for the first time.

After we identify our animals, the photography application can automatically create folders with their name so that all the photos we take of them end up in the same place.

It may not be the groundbreaking event of the year, but for animal lovers, it’s something long overdue!

How to identify your animals in the Photos app with iOS 17

The process for identifying your pets is the same as for identifying people around us. If you’ve already done it, you won’t be too disoriented. Basically you need:

  • Open the Photos app and then click album at the bottom.
  • Below People and placeschoose people and animals.
  • Click on the animal of your choice and then click at the top Identify.
  • Enter your name and then press Below.
  • The screen will display that this pet now has a name…. Press OK.
  • There you go, it really is that easy!

    iOS 17 now recognizes your animals How to identify them

    How to identify your pet in the Photos app for iPhone with iOS 17.

    When you return to the Albums section of your Photos app, you can now click on your pet’s name and view all of the photos where it appears.

    Little extra: you can even add it to your favorites by clicking on the little heart next to the photo!

    Want to know more about the other major new features coming to your iPhone with iOS 17? It’s this way! However, please note that not all iPhones are compatible with the update. You can find the list here.