Elodie responds to criticism of the nude photo with pictures of naked colleagues

Pictures of men posing naked or half-naked. Between them Biagio Antonacci, on an old Vanity Fair cover. And then Robbie Williamsnaked from behind, on the cover of Under the Radar or the rapper Tupac in a famous photo by David Lachapelle. It’s the answer from Elodie to the controversy caused by her naked photo that the singer published on Instagram to break the news of the release of the new single and its video A Fari ExLöschi.

The photo of discord

In the picture, Elodie appears like a new “Venus” coming out of the water, “clothed” only with her very long hair and deep blue eyes. “Elodea,” the presenter immediately renamed her Andrea Delogu. But the photo also sparked the inevitable haters.

The points of criticism

Among the many negative comments, there were also those who accused her of copying others (Alanis Morrisette firstly), but above all seem too “natural”. “Freedom doesn’t mean taking off your clothes, it doesn’t mean constantly provoking,” we read in one comment. Another user invites them to think about the fact that “they write you as beautiful and not very good”. “But is it possible that now you don’t know how to do anything without taking off your clothes?” And that applies to both genders,” writes another.


And Elodie’s picture answer is worth a million words.

Robbie Williams