Singer calls the city of MG a “very small town, and residents respond

Singer Daisi Albuquerque, lead singer of the Forró band Mastruz com Leite, was involved in a controversy this weekend in Montes Claros, a city of 414.24 thousand inhabitants in the north of Minas. Shortly after landing in the city, late Saturday afternoon (9/23), she posted a video on social media in which she made comments about the local airport and the community, which she described as a “very small” town. He also said, “I think that only people who have businesses come to this city.”

Local residents interpreted the news as slander and reacted sharply against the singer on social media.

On Saturday evening, Daisi released another video in which he apologized. The singer’s Instagram profile was deactivated on Sunday evening (September 24th).

The members of the band Mastruz com Leite arrived in the big city of Minas late Saturday afternoon to perform at a vaquejada party in São João da Ponte (137 kilometers from Montes Claros) that evening of the same day.

While still on the airport runway, Daisi recorded a video that he posted on social media. The recording says: “Guys, we just landed in Montes Claros. But that’s not the show, you see. The show takes place in São Joao da Ponte (..). I think that only those who have a business come to this city because it is very small. The airport is also very small there are only two planes. For someone to come here… Only for those who really do business.”

The reaction was immediate. Residents wrote posts criticizing the recording and the singer’s attitude, believing she defamed the city.

Many of them published posts on the Instagram profile of the band Mastruz com Leite to refute and condemn the speech of Daisi Albuquerque, who comes from Acaraú (64.8 thousand inhabitants), in the interior of Ceará. The Forró group was founded in this state in 1990 and enjoyed great success throughout the country. Her first big hit was the song “Meu vaqueiro, meu peão”.

“It’s a shame that they have no respect for our city without even knowing it,” complained one resident.

Another netizen recalled that Montes Claros (fifth largest city in Minas) is a land of famous names: “What a shame!! Don’t you know Montes Claros? So this is a person with no cultural background. Montes Claros is the land of Darcy Ribeiro. Oh, you’re not allowed to know that? Did you know that our city has some of the greatest university centers in MG? Shouldn’t you know? Do you know Beto Guedes? One of Brazil’s greatest composers comes from Montes Clara. You’re not allowed to know.”

There were further sour reactions against the singer from Ceará. “How ridiculous this woman is to get rid of Montes Claros. Who are you? Love empathy. “You are very clueless,” wrote one resident. “What can you expect from someone who doesn’t even study the region in which he’s going to do a show? The Internet is here, search! “Based on a specific location to judge a city?” another netizen asked.

Given the negative reaction, the lead singer of Mastruz com Leite recorded and posted another video an hour after the footage taken at the airport was released, in which she says she realizes that she used the wrong words, that she was misinterpreted , and apologize.

“Today when I arrived here in Montes Claros I made (posted) a video and I think I was wrong. I used some wrong words. Some people misinterpreted me (…). Maybe I didn’t make myself very clear. I based it on… I thought the size of the city was proportional to the size of the airport, which only has two planes. But soon after, some people came to my “Direct” (Instragram profile) and said that the city is very big. When I left the airport, I saw that it is a big city that also has everything,” he explained.

She continued: “When I say that only those who have a business come, I am not criticizing. I say it’s a good thing to come to this city on business.”

“So I apologize if anyone felt offended, if anyone misinterpreted me, if I used the wrong words. “I don’t talk badly about the city because there’s no way to criticize something I didn’t even know about,” he said.

“When I left the airport I saw that the reality was different. It’s a very big city and I should have even come to make (record) a video to show what the reality is like in the city, which is really cool. But to be clear: the people who didn’t get it. I don’t criticize, I don’t speak badly (about the city),” he concluded.

Although residents have published messages criticizing the singer on the band’s own profile Mastruz com Leite, there has not yet been any comment on the episode from the Forró band, whose performance is scheduled for this Sunday evening in Jitaúna (14.35 thousand inhabitants) The plan is southwest of Bahia, 400 kilometers from Salvador.