A new solo exhibition by Julien Lacroix in 2024: “From the first joke I talk about it, it disappears and there is no detour”

Julien Lacroix’s return to the stage takes a new step: After taking a break in summer 2020 due to allegations of misconduct and sexual assault, the comedian is going on tour with a new solo show in winter 2024.

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• Also read: Julien Lacroix is ​​launching a web series and podcast on Patreon

• Also read: Julien Lacroix goes on tour: The comedian’s return divides the community

He promises not to ignore the “elephant in the room,” as he has since quietly returning to performing in small venues earlier this year. He will joke about his alcoholism, his fatherhood and especially about the scandal that erupted when nine women denounced him in an investigation published by Le Devoir in July 2020.

“It would have been a bit hypocritical not to talk about it. From the first joke, when I talk about it, it disappears and there is no detour. I think it’s important to accept where I’m at, it’s gotten so big,” the 30-year-old comedian admits in an exclusive interview with the Journal.

After spending the last few months reprising the stage at alternative venues to audiences ranging from 25 to 300 people, Julien Lacroix is ​​now officially returning to the spotlight.

At the end of a warm-up period, he will present Le temps au temps, the title of this second show, which begins in February across Quebec, including three evenings in March at the Théâtre Saint-Denis in Montreal and at the Albert -Rousseau Hall in Quebec, in May .

Is he planning a big premiere with red carpet and media in Saint-Denis? “I’m thinking about it, I haven’t made a decision yet, but it’s getting closer to it. »

Julien Lacroix in an interview with Le Journal.  He has written a new show, Le temps au temps, which he will officially present in 2024.

The poster for Julien Lacroix’s new show. Image provided by Julien Lacroix

Fatherhood made him think

Before returning to his job as a comedian, Julien Lacroix claims he has done his homework, having already expressed regret for the actions he took. “Talking to those affected gave me the courage to go on stage again. »

Among those affected are his girlfriend, his family, but also women who were involved in the Devoir investigation. “Those I spoke to were completely comfortable with me doing my job again. »

Fatherhood was also a crucial element in his thinking.

“My little boy was born a year later. There was a dark time this year and I considered taking my own life. I said to myself: Okay, now I decide to have a child, as long as I am here, as long as I have to continue living, we will get back up, we will do what I love in life, we will apologize and move on. It was my driving force. This allowed me to get to the other side. »

People at the meeting

This return through the front door represents a change of direction for Julien Lacroix. In a counter-investigation by La Presse and 98.5 in November 2022, in which the complainants said they regretted their statements, he claimed that he mourned the crime scene.

Less than a year later, he found that the public was willing to give him a second chance.

“At first I wondered if people would come and blow out the windows,” he remembers of his first performances in front of a handful of spectators.

“I told my friend: If the people aren’t there, I’ll stop there. The first shows were sold out, we were surprised that everyone was there. There are 10,000 people who came to the alternative theaters to see this thing not knowing what to expect. »

  • All tour dates can be found at julienlacroix.ca.

Since his name is still considered poisonous in the comedy world, Julien Lacroix prepared his tour alone.

This alone means that in addition to writing his texts and designing his production, he also books his own rooms and does his own press work, tasks that he normally entrusts to subcontractors.

“There are people who are starting to help me here and there, friends. The fact is that these are small color transitions on the palette in the shadows. All the management of booking, shows, stage setup, I’m all alone,” he says.

“It’s definitely difficult being my friend,” he agrees, “but I think this show will be a transition.” I dare say time will sort things out. »

Julien Lacroix in an interview with Le Journal.  He has written a new show, Le temps au temps, which he will officially present in 2024.

Julien Lacroix. Photo Stevens LeBlanc/Le Journal de Quebec

It took Julien Lacroix two months to make his room reservations by contacting each station individually.

“These are discussions that can be difficult because they are big and complicated,” emphasizes the comedian, who wanted to honor the “courage” of the broadcasters.

“It touched me so much, I swear they trust me and I’m happy.” We had so many great conversations. I’m glad they support the show. »