The United States announces the opening of registrations for the 2025 Visa Lottery Program

He U.S. government announced the opening of registration for Diversity Visa Program 2025 (DV-2025). According to official information, the call will be available from October 4th to November 7th, 2023. Popularly known as Bombo on the island, this route offers the opportunity to preserve it an immigrant visa to all citizens of countries that meet the admission requirements.

The official website To for this “visa lottery” is, instructions can be found at Last May, the United States announced the results of this program, corresponding to fiscal year 2024 and in which 55,000 places allocated for permanent residence of applicants from eligible countries, including Cuba.

According to data released last August, the total was 3,081 Cuban citizens have won the hype in 2024, more than double the 1,358 who received it in 2023. Cuba was the country with the most Latin American Visa Winners, ahead of Peru, with 1,191; Ecuador with 466; Argentina with 133; Guatemala with 84 and Nicaragua with 77.

“No late registrations or paper registrations will be accepted. The law permits only one registration by or for each person during each registration period. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses advanced technology to recognize multiple inputs. “If you submit more than one entry, you will be disqualified,” the official release reads.

More than 11 million people participate in this program. Citizens of the countries that are the United States were included in the list and who submitted theirs Application free on the corresponding digital page. Of these, around 55,000 people receive a permanent residence visa.

“During the Visa interview“Principal applicants must have a college degree or equivalent or demonstrate two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience in the last five years,” according to a document setting out the requirements U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS, for the English acronym).

Official information emphasizes that all registrations must be submitted electronically on the website Electronic Diversity Visa take place within the specified registration period and that late registrations or registrations in paper form will not be accepted. “The State Department uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries. If you submit more than one entry, you will be disqualified,” the document warns.

It also requires participation in the The Visa lottery program is completely free and that applicants must meet the admission requirements.