Behind the Scenes of Jurassic World: How These Dinosaurs Come to Life

The newspaper was able to take a look behind the scenes of the impressive show on Friday Jurassic world and see how these giant reptiles that are part of it work.

• Also read: Jurassic World at the Videotron Center : Dinosaurs conquer Quebec

If Thursday night’s show was impressive, the back of the set was equally impressive. In fact, behind every big dinosaur there are dedicated stuntmen and a technical team who are as enthusiastic about these monsters as they are about the special effects.

The stuntmen hiding under these frames must carry equipment weighing more than 125 pounds on their shoulders during the performance; Each dinosaur is performed by three stuntmen over the course of the evening to give them a little break.

Once the person embodying the beast wears the costume, they must operate three levers to make it more dynamic; two levers for the arms and one for the neck and head. The stuntman’s feet are connected to the legs of the costume to allow him to move freely around the stage – an exercise that requires a tremendous amount of coordination, especially given the precision with which the animals move and occupy space.

Marissa explains how dinosaur costumes work.

Pascal Huot, QMI

A camera is attached to the dinosaur’s stomach so that the stuntman can see ahead during his performance. The captured images appear on a small screen inside the suit.

Important physical preparation

Anyone who finds themselves in these impressive costumes has to make sure that they can keep up with the pace of their performance; That’s why these professionals arrive a few hours before the show and start warming up. Even on days off, training is part of everyday life; To withstand the weight of the dinosaur costume, stunt performers train with 60-pound jackets on their backs.

All costumes and dinosaur styles featured during the show were pre-approved by Universal Studios to make everything as movie-like as possible.

Jurassic World will be presented at the Videotron Center through October 1st.