Barbara D’Urso is no longer hiding: she finally declares all her love for him | "A piece of my heart" IT

Barbara D’Urso, the great presenter, no longer hides and declares her love. She is definitely crazy about him.

Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s decision to remove her from the management of his historic gravure printing company, which she ran for 15 years, was a great one Barbara D’Urso. We’re obviously talking about it Fifth afternoon what he sees at his helm today Myrta Merlinwhich came to Mediaset from La7.

Among other things, she wished in the last episode of the 2022-2023 season We wish his viewers a nice summer had given them Date in autumn. A few weeks later it arrived for her and her many admirers the cold shower via a press release from Biscione: she was out of the program.

She took a few days to process everything, even disappeared from social media where she is usually very active, and then removed for a few days Pebbles from the shoe in a long interview with La Repubblica. He also emphasized that he still has a valid contract with Mediaset, which expires at the end of the year.

Barbara D’Urso no longer hides who the “piece of her heart” is

He lived afterwards an extremely magical summer in the company of her many friends who never made her feel alone. He also gave away many videos and numerous recordings of them his happy moments. She appeared to be in excellent shape and was slowly regaining her bright smile. And then, when the holidays were over, she got on a plane fly to London.

She revealed that she was still there for study reasons. It is love? How is the prince of emotions? She has a special man by her side the beautiful Barbara? She hasn’t liked saying anything about it for a long time. The fact is that it has now come to light and there is no longer any doubt about it. He is a ” Piece of his heart“. Who is the lucky one?Carmelita confesses all her love to himA very sweet shot commemorating his son’s birthday

The sweetest dedication to her son

No, it’s not her boyfriend, but one of hers two sons who have grown up today. It says little about them and we know that they have absolutely no interest in being involved in the vast world of entertainment. One of them recently made her a grandmother for the first time. And so the divine Barbara dedicated a very sweet post to his creation on the occasion of his birthday.

And he did it by sharing a shot with an exquisite and infinitely Amarcordian flavor because he shows it when he was very small. The photo in question is certainly in analog format and is part of it classic family album which the presenter from Campania jealously guards in her home in Milan.

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