Integration, key word at IX. Meeting of the Puebla group (+photo)

All the political leaders who participated in this opening session, moderated by the group’s coordinator, Marcos Enriquez-Ominami, stressed the urgency of drawing up an action plan whose core is not only economic but also social and political integration in order to succeed in the big one encounter transformation that the world is going through.

It was the former Colombian President Ernesto Samper who, in an important contribution, recalled the words of his colleague from Ecuador Rafael Correa that the world is not in a time of change, but in a time change.

Integration key word at IX Meeting of the Puebla group

This makes the challenges even more complicated and difficult for a region like Latin America and the Caribbean, which is orphaned by a single continental voice that must be born quickly and without delays.

Correa himself spoke on the topic as he explained the ups and downs that progressivism has unfortunately suffered in Latin America and the Caribbean, but we must seize the opportune moment that is developing in the region.

At the time of the far-right counteroffensive with Donald Trump at the helm, progressivism was out of touch, but now we are moving forward in unity again, which creates the conditions for promoting integration in the broadest sense of the word.

He explained that we are now also in a time of strife and that everything that has happened until the recovery of progressivism is part of it, and he referred to the electoral fraud and the actions against Lula in Brazil, the coup against Evo Morales, etc. warned that this is also happening now with the confrontation with those who resist change.

He believed that there is a second progressive wave at a good time and that this is the core of the dispute between right and left and that unity is therefore more urgent than ever because we need the successes of integration that we need.

Former Panamanian President Martin Torrijos made similar comments, warning that the region faces many new and old challenges and arguing that work must be done to strengthen a new multilateralism in this area through common positions adopted and a unified voice achieved is so urgent. .

The Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, supported Samper’s criteria for sanctions that represent a deep political aggression against her country against Donald Trump, who tried to impose a non-existent and mercenary government to steal the Bolivarian nation’s money and gold, and theirs retain natural resources.

Evo Morales, a victim of the far-right wave sponsored by the United States, said it was shameful that 200 years later the philosophy of the Monroe Doctrine still prevails in the minds of United States leaders.

Now they want to continue to claim America as their own, and that cannot be allowed. and vigorously defended the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean in unity, diversity and respect for the sovereignty of each people.

He spoke of an ideal that can become a reality, that is, instead of the colonial America that the Europeans left behind or the neo-colonial America that the Americans created, to make these countries an independent and sovereign plurinational America and the Empire to finish burying the evil that is already in its final political phase.

In the same vein, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez estimated that the IX. Meeting takes place at a time when an irreversible trend of progress is accumulating in the political balance of our America, leaving behind the unipolar system, an oppressive and neoliberal globalization. from hegemonic rule to a new type of multilateral rule.

He noted in this context the importance of the meeting just concluded in Havana between the Group of 77 and China from all over the South, where a common idea linked to the progressive ideals of the Puebla Group was strongly expressed: integration, and a new financial pact that has nothing to do with the current system of the Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

The meeting is already considered a major success due to the topics discussed, its depth and the opportune timing at which it took place.
