The prosecution is demanding a total of 121 years in prison for the five adults who took part in the lynching of Samuel Luiz

The persecution and lynching of 24-year-old Samuel Luiz Muñiz in the heart of A Coruña’s drinking district on the weekend in July 2021, when nightlife reopened after its closure during the pandemic, now hangs over the main accused death with the burden of 121 years Jail. It is the total of the sentences between 22 and 27 years that the public prosecutor’s office is demanding for the five adults – born between 1995 and 2002 – who were involved in the murder, which in the following months triggered historical demonstrations and acts of rejection throughout Spain against Homophobia. At around three in the morning on the 3rd, the young man and a friend were near the El Andén pub in the Riazor area, making a video call with a friend from Pontevedra. They described the atmosphere on the street after the birth. And then barbarism suddenly erupted all around them. The scream “Stop recording, let’s see if I kill you, you fag!”, which, according to the prosecution, Diego MM uttered while he was with his girlfriend Catherine SB, alias Katy, was the beginning of the end of Samuel Luiz , who died in hospital at 6:50 that night, his head shattered by blows.

The prosecutor in charge of hate crimes is requesting 25 years in prison for each member of the couple who initially confronted the young homosexual: 22 years for murder with cruelty and treason and a further three years for the aggravating circumstance of discrimination based on sexual orientation. The State Ministry is aware of the public outrage that this case has caused and emphasizes that these are the maximum sentences that can be imposed under the Criminal Code for this case. Diego M.’s references to the victim’s homosexuality, as described by witnesses to the events, continued from beginning to end until he could no longer get up from the floor. For the accused woman, the punishment demanded is the same, although her role was probably different. According to the indictment, she “fully shared Diego M.’s deep hostility toward the homosexuality attributed to Samuel.” And she “actively” cooperated to make sure the friend couldn’t help. At various points during the lynching, only two Senegalese immigrants, Ibrahima Diack and Magatte Ndiaye, intervened to save the victim.

The death on July 3, 2021, according to the document, occurred as a result of “multiple blows”, particularly “in the cranial area”: “These traumas caused injuries in which small cerebral vessels bled, resulting in subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular, cerebral edema and secondary brain death. In the hours that followed, social media was abuzz as some of the insults heard during the fatal beating surfaced: “Fucking faggot.”

One of the three adults imprisoned as suspected perpetrators of the attack that ended the life of Samuel Luiz leaves the courthouse in A Coruña in 2021.One of the three adults imprisoned as suspected perpetrators of the attack that ended the life of Samuel Luiz leaves the courthouse in A Coruña in 2021.Cabalar (EFE)

For two other friends who took part in the beating of the victim, Alejandro FG alias Yumba and Alejandro MR, the prosecutor proposes a sentence of 22 years as alleged accomplices in the crime, while for the fifth adult to be prosecuted, Kaio ASC claims to be 27 years old. To the 22 counts of murder with treason and cruelty, he added another five of robbery with violence because he took away Samuel Luiz’s cell phone when the victim collapsed on the street. Diego MM, Alejandro FG and Kaio ASC remain in prison today, while Alejandro MR was provisionally released a month and a half after his arrest and the young woman never went to prison.

After they leave prison after serving the sentences imposed at trial, the prosecutor requests that they be given another five years of supervised release. In the days following the boy’s death, the National Police managed to identify two other active participants in the massacre, minors, who were also arrested and sent to a special center. The two acknowledged the facts after reaching an agreement and will remain in the hospital, although only for a short time: they will only serve three and a half years. They were all recognized among the participants in the “human pack,” as a police commander described to this newspaper, who pursued Samuel Luiz until he managed to beat him to death 150 meters along the A Coruña seafront promenade. The ministry is demanding 304,143 euros for the family (parents and sister) of the young man murdered in A Coruña, an amount that includes the price (more than 800 euros according to the purchase invoice) of the stolen mobile phone. The victim’s father had to give up his job and is permanently unable to work due to the psychological consequences he suffered.

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“He was a fucking fag.”

“Based on Samuel’s words, gestures, style of dress, tone of voice and physical appearance,” said the prosecutor, “Diego MM interpreted that he was homosexual, which caused an even more violent reaction in the defendant due to the hostility toward the sexual orientation that was attributed to him.” “Thereupon, surprisingly and suddenly, with the intention of causing his death and in any case being aware of the great danger that his violent act brought with it to Samuel’s life, he pounced on him and beat him with blows and Kicks, mainly in the head and face area,” the document continues. When he saw Diego MM hitting a person, “his friend and fellow defendant” Alejandro FG, “who arrived at the scene at that moment, immediately joined the action, fully aware and accepting of the brutality of the measures they were taking “they are carried out and the very serious consequences that could arise from this.”

Samuel LuizSpontaneous altar erected on the spot where Samuel Luiz suffered the fatal beating.îSCAR CORRAL

“All defendants as a group were aware that the length and duration of the beating could lead to death,” the prosecutor in the case insists on the same idea several times. “Without worrying about such an eventuality and accepting this possibility,” he emphasizes, because Samuel Luiz “was unable to defend himself against the group attack that he suffered.” “The sustained and brutal beatings were carried out with the “with deliberate intent to unnecessarily increase his pain and physical suffering in order to achieve the fatal end,” adds the public accusation, which is “an expression of extreme cruelty and dehumanization.”

During the fatal race, according to the ministry, Diego MM shouted: “I’m going to stab you, you’re going to die.” After checking what they had done, members of the group dispersed to various streets in the area. The prosecutor assures that later Diego MM still had the courage to refer to the fact that the victim had spoken “to third parties”: “Who told the damn faggot to get involved if he was a damn faggot? “

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