Eggshells in the garden, many benefits for your plants: use them in this way Orizzontenergia

Next time you make a recipe, don’t throw away the eggshells, you can use them to grow your plants. Using them in this way can help them grow better.

Use eggshells to grow your plants, here’s how (Canva) –

Gardening has become a popular leisure activity in recent years, largely thanks to the fact that it can be shared with the little ones and because it brings us closer to nature while giving us the opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of modern life . Cultivating a small garden or vegetable patch provides an environmentally friendly and useful way to grow 100% organic herbs and vegetables. In addition, gardening protects the environment because it gives us the opportunity to do so Recycle wet kitchen waste as fertilizer and more. Eggshells, for example, are particularly useful for growing your plants; here you can find out how.

Don’t throw away eggshells, use them in the garden

Don’t throw away eggshells, use them in this way and your garden will thank you (Canva) –

Eggs are one of the ingredients that are always present in every pantry. Whether for sweet or savory recipes, eggs are truly versatile. But when you use them, don’t throw away the empty shellsThey are a valuable resource for your garden and your seedlings. Not only is a single peel rich in calcium and other nutrients important for plant growth, but it can also contain 96% calcium carbonate. Besides football the eggshell It provides potassium and magnesium, which also stimulate cell formation and growth in plants. Calcium can regulate the pH of the soil, especially if it is acidic.

When introduced into the ground, the crushed mussels act as follows Barrier against insects and thus offers a natural defense for plants. In addition to providing a barrier against insects, eggshells decompose slowly, releasing important nutrients for growth over time. Together with other food waste, we can always add eggshells, which will make the compost even more fertilizer. It doesn’t matter whether your plants are in pots or in the soil of your gardenEggshells are ideal for fertilizing all types of plants, from those who produce flowers to vegetables and vegetables. In addition to being placed in the ground, eggshells can also be used for other purposes.

Eggshell infusion, once used, you will no longer recognize your plants

In addition to using the shells directly in the ground, this is an innovative option To reap the full benefits, an infusion is required. The plants are watered with water enriched with eggshells. Simply place them in the water and let them sit for a few days, then the shells will release all their properties into the water. Once you have received this water, you can use it to water the plants regularly, but only at certain periods. Spring, for example, when plants are in their active growth phase, is the ideal time to take advantage of it and reap all the benefits it brings.

This infusion offers numerous benefits such as creating a barrier against snails, strengthening the root system and protecting against the thermal stress typical of mid-season due to the temperature fluctuations between day and night. So we’ve seen how A simple waste from our kitchen can become a valuable and fundamental resource for a lush garden full of life. Next time you use eggs in the kitchen, instead of throwing away the shells, crush them and place them in your vases or in the garden.