Fiorello, the social return (waiting for the Foro Italico): “We are in Vigna Stelluti, but those in Via Asiago anc

The first rehearsals of the live broadcast on Instagram begin before 6 p.m. It’s a bar Rome north of the “stage” of Fiorello, which returns with Waiting for Viva Rai 2! Waiting for the actual show, which starts on November 6th in the glass box Foro Italico. The setting is a very famous place in Via di Vigna Stelluti, where Fiorello puts you in a good mood from the first morning. “The first thing I have to do is complain to the pastry chef, this croissant ended up falling into two pieces,” he says in a Roman dialect that is now somewhat familiar to him. With the Sicilian showman there is Fabrizio Biggio (who, however, only joined this morning because he was busy filming “I soliti idioti 3”), Mauro Casciari, Ruggiero and the rest of the working group. Which will finally move to the Foro Italico in a few weeks after the “eviction” from Via Asiago. “Right now we are in a bar in Via di Vigna Stelluti, where the residents of Via Asiago rented a house for two weeks just to break our balls…,” Fiorello jokes at the beginning of the live broadcast.


The “eviction” from Via Asiago

Until November 6th, the program directed by Piergiorgio Camilli will be shown live on Fiorello’s Instagram page (@rosario_fiorello) and then, supplemented with original material, on RaiPlay.

Press reviews and then current topics, music and meetings with guests: the recipe for success is always the same. In the first episode, Tommaso Paradiso can be seen at breakfast at Fiorello, presenting the new album “Sensazione stupenda” and singing about his successes and the new single “Blu Ice Supervisory”, which even sends Instagram into a tailspin and the live broadcast is interrupted alleged copyright infringement that makes even Fiorello laugh.

Ten thousand connected

More than ten thousand people gathered at 7:30 in the morning, Fiorello being the usual showman. He invites the choreographer Luca Tommassini, talks about “TeleMeloni”, introduces all the managers and faces of Rai present and wishes his mother a happy birthday. Meanwhile, the Romans approach the makeshift glass and greet him and all the guests. It may be the atmosphere of the first day of school, but the complaints about the confusion at dawn that the residents of Via Asiago complained about are now only a distant memory.