Serena Bortone just couldn’t do it: "I could not resist. Forgive me. Goodbye" | What he did IT IT

Serena Bortone couldn’t resist and like many others, she succumbed to a certain gesture on social media. Let’s find out what it is

Everyone agrees on that Serena Bortone is one of the hosts most popular with the Italian public. The credit undoubtedly goes to her undeniable talent, which makes people stop in front of a small screen to follow her.

For a long time she directed the television program “Oggi è un giorno” and suggested many interesting topics to the actors and guests invited to the studio. However, the other Rai leaders have made their decision to close it by replacing it with another one.Would you like to advertise here?

It’s about the good times at the top of management Caterina Balivo. Someone asked the reason for this decision and the answer received left no doubt. In short, after years it was necessary to offer viewers something different. However, the latter can give you peace of mind because they will see their idol again.

Luckily, he has been hosting the weekend show Chesarà on Rai 3 since September 23rd. It is based on current events and how Italians deal with everyday life. At the same time, she is very active on social media and like many VIPs he couldn’t resist a gesture.

Serena Bortone couldn’t resist the temptation

“I do what the company tells me to do. I am editor-in-chief of the Civil Service. At that point, the company decided that I could be useful in this segment, and I’m doing what the company asks of me… On Rai 3.” “I’m going home and to the network that I grew up with,” justified Serena Bortone addressed those who criticized this choice.

He will certainly be up to this new task. On the other hand, the other leaders of the network They decided to refocus on his professionalism bring excellent hearing results home. When the presenter, in order to unwind, allows herself a few moments to devote herself to social media, where she is equally followed. She too couldn’t resist the trend of the moment.

Contribution by Serena Bortone - Romait.itPost by Serena Bortone – Instagram Source –

“I could not resist. Forgive me”

“I could not resist. Forgive me. Goodbye… For those who don’t understand: It’s all fake. It’s an app that transforms you in the American teenager of the 90s“, the sentence in the title of the article leaves no room for doubt.

The post contains 10 photos showing Bortone dressed as teenagers from American schools. She’s not the only one who has used this app. Based on the likes and comments, it seems his idea was appreciated.

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