Britney Spears explains on Instagram why she likes to pose naked

Britney Spears will officially release her long-awaited memoir (The Woman In Me; in Spanish: La mujer que soy, Plaza y Janés, out October 26) this Tuesday, October 24th. However, The New York Times already had access to the full book and published that the singer reflects on why she enjoys posing nude or scantily clad on Instagram, among many other topics. “I know a lot of people don’t understand why I love taking photos of myself naked or in new clothes,” the Baby One More Time singer writes, according to the New York Times. “But I think if they had been photographed thousands of times by other people to get their approval, they would understand that I really enjoy posing when I’m feeling sexy and taking my own photo.”

Britney has said on numerous occasions, most notably in her father’s trial, that her biggest obsession in this new phase of her life is taking ownership of her own narrative and making it clear to the world that no matter how scandalous she does, It will never be like it was in the 2000s, when the media took over your identity, your story, and every aspect of your personal life. This can also be clearly seen in documentaries such as “Framing Britney Spears”, in which director Samantha Stark explains that this media “theft” of the lives of singers from the 2000s is intolerable in the face of #MeToo and the perspective it brings from the fourth feminist wave.

In a way, this spirit underlies the entire book. The interpreter who has used this biography to tell details about the saddest moments of her life, such as her relationship with Justin Timberlake (which we have already glossed over several times in S Moda as the longest evil in history), she also has explains that she is not thinking about returning to music because she is focused on taking care of her health and finding a way to live her life the way she wants. “It’s time to stop being who people want me to be and find myself.”

Britney Spears explains on Instagram why she likes to pose

Britney Spears in a picture posted on her Instagram. Photo: Britney Spears’ Instagram

In this memoir, Britney also talks about one of the most talked-about episodes of her career: when she hit photographers with an umbrella with her shaved head. Her postpartum depression, her divorce from Kevin Federline—her children’s father, who had custody of the children—her separation from the children, and the death of her “adored Aunt Sandra,” with whom she had a close relationship, were all related. to persecution by the press the factors that influenced his behavior. “Because my head was shaved, everyone was afraid of me, even my mother. During these weeks without my children, I kept losing my mind. “I don’t even know how I could take care of myself,” she suspects.

In February 2008, a California judge granted Spears’ father control of the singer’s finances and personal life at his request after the pop star was hospitalized twice for psychiatric testing and for drug abuse. In November 2021, after a highly publicized trial and a campaign on networks for the freedom of the singer (the famous Free Britney), California judge Brenda Penny ended the almost 14-year-old family drama and abolished paternal guardianship.

Since then, Britney has been able to pursue her life and career freely. However, not everything was peaceful and calm for the singer after regaining her freedom. In the two years since her guardianship was lifted, she has married, divorced and announced the loss of a child. In addition, he suffered several episodes that alarmed his fans because his mental health was clearly deteriorating. In the most recent case, police in Ventura County, California, showed up at her home after receiving several calls reporting that the artist had knives in her home that could injure herself. The singer apparently wanted to imitate Shakira’s dance at the MTV Awards. “As everyone knows, the police were called to my house because of some prank calls. I love and adore my fans, but this time it went a little too far and my privacy was violated. “The police never came to my house and when they got to my door they quickly realized there was no problem and immediately left,” she wrote.