Thanks to the “Journal” he doubles his number of subscribers

Since The newspaper talked about retired Laval University professor David Beaudoin, he is offering his sports betting “tricks” for free to a growing number of Internet users on his YouTube channel.

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“We went from 26,000 to 30,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. But in the “People Who Pay” section of my website []“It went from 100 to 250 people!” said the 43-year-old.

David Beaudoin typically gains between 10 and 30 new subscribers every day. But the day he made the front page of the Journal, 2,065 new members joined his channel.

But fame comes at a price. Since then, it has been flooded with requests from people who know next to nothing about sports or sports betting. “It has attracted people who know nothing about the sport and don’t bother to look, which is a bit discouraging.” Many people know the word “millionaire” and therefore want to be millionaires. But they barely know the teams and ask me, ‘Can you teach me a lesson?’ I don’t have time for that,” he said.

Good batting average

If you had placed an amount of money on each of the bets that David Beaudoin recommended to his channel’s subscribers last year, you would have more than 14 times that amount in your pocket today. This “Quebec Moneyball,” a graduate student in statistics and a numbers enthusiast, has developed a unique model to predict the results of games in major sports such as football, baseball and hockey.

And his start to the year is also positive. “In ice hockey there have been 13 wins and 8 defeats since the start of the season. I mainly bet on the team that will win or the total number of goals in the game. In NFL football I have a slightly negative record in wins and losses, but I do particularly well in player betting, I have 29 wins and 22 losses and eight wins in a row. , he said.

The statistics doctoral student explains that betting on individual players is more likely to lead to good luck than betting on teams. Millions of people can bet on the teams, so the odds are fairly accurate. “But we have more options when it comes to players. For example, if you bet $10,000 on the Buffalo Bills tonight, the casino will happily accept it. However, if you want to bet the same amount on a specific player who will catch more or less three passes, he will never want to do that. They will limit you to a few hundred dollars because they know it leaves them vulnerable. They don’t have time to give very precise odds for this or that player,” explains the man known on YouTube as Professor MJ.