About Onda, Montanari’s outbreak: "I’m ashamed of being Italian"

Italy abstained from voting UN resolution for a ceasefire a Gaza. News that made people angry Tomaso Montanari. Guest of In Onda in the episode of Sunday October 29th on La7, the rector of the University for Foreigners of Siena defines that “in Florence a monk, the abbot of San Miniato, was born, and next to him were the rabbi of Florence and the Imam of Florence, the most beautiful demonstration he has ever taken part in. We need this.” Hence the attack on public opinion: “I don’t understand why the media, the big mainstream newspapers in this country, like to say the opposite.”

At this point it is Marianna Aprile to make a clarification. The journalist reminds that Italy’s no to the UN resolution is not an invention. An underlining thanks to which the art historian takes the ball: “It is a disgrace for our government, I’m ashamed to be Italian at this moment.” Hence the swipe at the West: “The last thing it can do is give the impression that it has double standards when it comes to lives.” So we give the impression that the lives of allies are more important is worth more than she is a little darker and fewer Christians than us.”

Read also: Tomaso Montanari, the delirium about Israel: “White skin racism”

Words that have not gone unnoticed on social media, where many criticize him. “I’m ashamed that he’s the rector of a university and doesn’t condemn terrorism,” tweets one user, followed by another: “I’m also ashamed of belonging to a country that gives space to pseudo-intellectuals like this gentleman.” And again: “It doesn’t take much for the man who was appointed rector by the only competitor to feel so ashamed… it’s enough to distance himself from our nation, which seems to have the only flaw of being different and. “ Condemnation of the position of the bloodthirsty Hamas towards the Palestinians. Leave Italy Hush!”.