Miss Italia 2023, a former Vippona, will host the final: e’s who

There are only a few days left until the final of the famous beauty contest “Miss Italia”, which for 84 years has crowned the one who is considered the most beautiful in Italy and has reached the final stage of selection.

This year the beauty contest also returns to television: the final will actually be streamed in full on the RaiNews website from 7 p.m., as will the final moments of the show, where the Italian beauty queen will be crowned, broadcast on RaiNews 24, on which digital terrestrial channel 48.

Competing for the title are 40 candidates, two from each region, who have managed to reach the final stage of selection and are therefore in the running for the prestigious title of Miss Italy, to which they currently belong Lavinia LabateWinner of the last edition.

As for management, the name they chose was announced some time ago Patrizia Mirigliani to lead the final of the beauty contest she created: she is the former participant of Gf Vip Jo Squillowho thus takes the place of Salvo Sottile, who hosted the 2022 edition of the beauty pageant last year.

Jo Squillowhich has always been committed to the defense of women and the emancipation of women, is named after the names of . becoming the third woman to host the show’s finale alone Milly Carlucci on Rai Uno and so on Simona Ventura on La 7.

The jury of the 84th edition of Miss Italia consists of Hoara Borselli, Giuseppe Cruciani And Giulia Salemi.